Bob The Blobs Adventure - Part 1


Hello my fellow geeks!
I am now posting as story inspired by @therneau's The Adventures Of Freddy The Flea. Go check it out, its good!
Cover image credits at the bottom of this post.
But without further ado lets begin.

Bob The Blobs Adventure - Part 1

Our story begins in the lands of Avania far in the west mountains and there was a small village called Goowey village where all of the Blobs dwelt. You might think that Blobs are aggressive creatures but these Blobs were peaceful as ever.

In Goowey village there was a young boy Blob named Bob. His father went on great adventures and mysteriously vanished when Bob was 5 years old and since then Bob was left with his mother. He liked going on adventures to well... anywhere! His dream was to venture out of the borders of the village just like his father.

One regular morning, Bob woke up but this morning Bob knew that today was the day, the day that he just turned 16 years old and like all other Blobs he was a true Blobman.

(I made Blob men Blobman and Blobmen and for women Blob Blobwen and Blodwena these words will be mentioned in future parts of the story.)

And I think you know just what was in his mind when he wished his mother goodbye and stepped out the door... yup! He was going on an adventure!

So he packed all the things that he needed including his wooden sword that his father had given him when it was his Blobday.

"Bye mom!" Bob exclaimed in a exited tone.

"Bye son, wait have you got your lighter, sword, flashfright, underwear and how about..."

"Mom I'll be ok" he said and hugged his mom and off he went on a long wonderous path of secrets and myth. So he left Goowey village and started heading east out of the borders. He wanted to see a human he had heard so many stories about them.

A little while later he came upon a old Blobwen and Blobman pushing a cart up a steep hill. "Do you need help miss?" Bob asked.

"Yes please young Blobman. We have been pushing this cart for an hour."

They pushed and pushed and finally got the cart to the top of the utterly steep hill. Bob was panting like a dog. "Thank you young Blobman. Are you with someone here?" asked the old Blobwen.

"I am Bob and I am on an adventure to see what lies beyond the borders of Goowey village." Answered Bob. "And who are you?"

"Oh I'm Millenda and this is my husband Garlard we are going to mine in a mine in another village" explained Millenda.

"Can I come with you?" asked Bob.

They stopped and they looked around nervously. "You can come with if you want but..."

"But what?" Asked Bob excitedly.

"You have to be ready for monsters!" Garlard said in a loud boom. Suddenly their was strange sounds from everywhere and a blood curling screech every now and again "Their here!" said Garlard with shock.

Then a loud voice spoke "Yes, we are here!"

Well that's the end of it, hope you liked it.

Part 1Part 2
Part 1 you are here!Part 2 coming soon!

Watch list - I am inviting everyone to read my story. Please let me know if I can tag you in the next one or not!
@pixelhuntersam, @jasperdick, @zakludick, @clairemobey, @matthew-williams, @aimeludick, @blitzzzz, @loadreaper, @lex-zaiya, @tylorman, @therneau


Thank you to my dad, @zakludick for helping me with the cover. We used Blob and Background

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