The Frozen Enigma- Part 3 (Final Episode)

From: Flores šŸŒ¹
To: Adriana

Wat da hell is up with Dylan? Why wasnā€™t he prepared before heading out? Itā€™s an excavation site not a tourist attraction. Now I have to haul my ass out of bed in the middle of the night while a blizzard is raging outside because he decided to play explorer without proper equipment? Grrr! I know itā€™s not your fault, sweetie, but you couldā€™ve been a little more persuasive, if you know what I mean (wink wink). In any case, off I go to play errand girl for his royal highness (šŸ˜¤)


From: Dylan
To: Adriana

This is unreal! I found a network of tunnels behind the broken wall. Tell everyone to get over here! If I didnā€™t know any better, I would almost say they were artificial. Wouldnā€™t that be something? The poles used to be warmer prior to the impact, so I suppose itā€™s not outside the realm of imagination; maybe a race of lizard people prospered but eventually succumbed to the cold. Haha! Listen to me. Iā€™ve been here far too long. All this ice is getting to me. Anyway, these tunnels look interesting though a bit creepy with all this mist hanging in the air.



From: Ben
To: Everybody

Urgent! Iā€™ve registered several events across the cap. Weā€™re now under seismic protocols. Comms still down and canā€™t relay the messages. Howā€™s the tower work going? Listen, I'm not the superstitious kind, but thereā€™s something odd going on out there. Weird mist and lights flying around. Now these icequakesā€¦ I donā€™t think itā€™s space invaders, but just keep your eyes open out there and stand by.


From: FloresšŸŒ¹
To: Adriana

Where in the world is Dylan? This better not be another one of his cute little pranks. I hauled his gear all the way to the site, and heā€™s nowhere to be seen. I hope he's not buried under all that ice 'cause I ain't digging him out. Looks like someone made paint marks on the ice. They lead into the cave. Maybe he left these markers for us to follow. Sigh! I guess I'll go check it out. He's going to owe me big time for this.


From: Ben
To: Everybody



From: Dylan
To: Everybody

This is incredible! Whooo! You have to see this and you won't believe it! I found a massive head encased in ice. It looks like a piece of a much more larger structure. By all the gods! The ice around it is melting and giving off a gray steam. How could we have missed this with our instruments? The scanner did not detect any archeological remains. A civilization capable of building this must have left traces of its existence. Where are they?




From: Adriana
To: Everybody

All the towers are relaying the same radio signal. It sounds like a song in a strange dialect. The instruments are so haunting. Guys, what is going on?




Research Drawer

As lava cools and solidifies, the minerals in it become magnetized to the Earthā€™s field. Sediment cores deposited on the ocean floor have shown that thousands of years ago, the earth magnetic poles were reversed in a gradual process of polar shifts. The cyclical reversals take place every 200-300 thousand years. The last reversal occurred 781,000 years ago in what is called the Brunhesā€“Matuyama reversal. So, weā€™re way overdue for one. Currently, our magnetic north pole is migrating northward at 40 miles per year and since the early 19th century, it has migrated 600 miles in the same direction. In the past, it was believed that such reversals coincided with mass extinction events. That is no longer a generally accepted theory, though I'm sure you don't have to look far to find someone who believes it. In addition, magnetic pole reversals do not coincide with rotation in the Earthā€™s axis. So geographic north will remain so even after the magnetic poles reverse. Given the complexity of Earth magnetic field(s), the exact mechanisms of their wandering are presently unknown.

So how did the Statue of Liberty end up at the poles? I supposed more research is needed to put the clues together.


  1. Magnetic Pole Reversal Happens All The (Geologic) Time

  2. Earthā€™s Magnetic Field Reversal Took Three Times Longer Than Thought

  3. When north goes south: Is Earth's magnetic field flipping?

  4. Fagan, Brian Murray. In the Beginning : an Introduction to Archaeology. 9th edition New York: The Lindbriar Corporation, 1997

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