You can check out parts one and two ...

The whole assembly came to a standstill with Leo confused about what just happened. In his rage, he began creating another thunderstorm, but his desires were cut short again when Azuki made the lightning from the thunderstorm become light striking through the foreign army killing nearly half the standing men and reducing the entire number of the foreign army to a little less than a quarter as the energy of the first thunderstorm released in the dark already wiped out many.

Image By Sketchepedia

At this point, it was clear that Africa already won the war, and just to make sure the Avatar of Wind released an attracting force that drew Leo to their side of the battle to kill him on the spot and eliminate the threat and power of the Asians for life. The wind Avatar (Zalock Zumbadi, leader of the Fasa tribe) had Leo fallen on his knees as he stood above him. The foreign army seeing their hero had fallen immediately went into retreat with the numbers they had left leaving Leo at the mercies of Zalock and Africa. Zalock immediately brought out his dagger to end Leo's life, but Munuanwe (Leader of the Mapala clan, Avatar of the land, and protector of all earthen minerals) immediately stopped him by turning his dagger to stone.

[Munuanwe]: Enough Zalock, is it not enough that we've won the war, would you pass out the same injustice our fathers rendered to a clan?

[Zalock]: He's not dying for the sins of his father Munuanwe, he's dying for he is a traitor. He waged war against his own blood, people, and race. He doesn't deserve to live.

[Azuki]: He was misguided my lord, (cutting him short) a man who has lived as an outsider all his life for sins he never committed and could only find refuge in the arms of our enemies. He was only seeking a home.

[Leo]: I do not seek a home with those who have rendered my family and me outcast for the last three centuries, you have no idea what it feels like to live in a land of foreigners...

[Azuki]: Zaza lives on Leo, you have been gone for so long that you have forgotten your heritage and the words of Grandma Nuni.

[Leo] (Now realizing how familiar the lady talking to him sounded, now knew exactly who she is after hearing her speak the phrase his extended family had always used to remind themselves of who they are)
Azuki... How can this be, what the hell are you doing with these people?

[Azuki] They're your people too Mazuki... You don't have to prove anything to anyone, our ancestors made mistakes, and it's our duty to correct them not continue them. I had to reach out to lord Munuanwe whose clan had always reached out to us for the past centuries. They were the reasons Father and Grandpa never used their powers in Europe and Asia, but you hesitated to do so against Father's will, now look how much damage it has brought on the world.
Father tried to tell you about Munuanwe and how they had always been a plan to bring us back home among our people, but you left before he could finalize the plans and never bothered checking if we lived or not. Now tell me brother, who is worse; our ancestors who drove us out of our home, or the one who left his twin and sick father in a strange land searching for power? Enough Mazuki, drop all the hate and anger and be united with your people again...

Image By vecstock

Everyone went silent hearing Azuki's words to her twin brother. And Leo (Mazuki) knew at this point that he was the orchestrator of his own demise immediately asked for forgiveness from all the Lords and generals, accepting any punishment that they deemed fit.

[Munuanwe]: Enough of the punishments, you have endured enough already, let's go home... But before that, we must also correct a past mistake as Avatars. This war has shown us once again that the power of leadership rest with the Induzwe clan, and should be given back to them.

All the remaining Avatars saw reasons for what Munuanwe said, and in obedience, they all went on one knee facing Azuki, Immediately showing that she was not just the leader of her clan, but also the leader of the Nagwezu warriors. Immediately the whole Army went on their knees for the Avatar of Light (the only element strong enough to resist the thunderstorm). Not long after the drummers started rolling the victory drums as they chanted... THE CONQUEROR, THE CHAMPION, THE LION, OUR PRIDE HAS COME


Hello @emrysjobber and here's the continuation, I hope you like it.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today, until next time.

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