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Far away in the heart of Africa, lived a clan of the Nagwezu tribe called induzwe in Zukwamia the western part of Africa. The Induzwe clan was the least popular clan among the other 14 clans that made up the Nagwezu tribe. The Nagwezu tribe is the most popular tribe in Zukwamia and well known in Africa as warriors of the West and protectors of the realm that guard the realms of men. Africa located at a very prominent epic center of the planet Earth could always count on the Nagwezu warriors for protection and this has been how it had been for over a millennium of time. The warriors of Nagwezu were formerly led by the Zaza, Leader of the Induzwe clan about three centuries ago, until after the Last War of Realms were Africa fought to defend her realm.

Such attacks come every century to checkmate Africa's defenses in a bid for other continents to gain access to the realm Jealously protected by Africa because that particular realm was the center of all natural resources mankind had ever known, it had resources beyond the knowledge of man, so much that and every country and state in Africa could not phantom the depth of resources they had. Legend has it that even if those resources should be free for the world to access, it will talk nearly a minellium before the world can exhaust the knowledge of these resources. However, because of how the Americans and Europeans used the privilege Africa gave them more than 500 years ago to create weapons and machinery that lead to a world war, Africa vowed never to let any continent or foreigner have access to the Realm of Glory.

After the last war of realms (300 years ago), Zaza fell in love with a European foreigner and was branded a traitor to his entire race, the other clans of Nagwezu fought against Zaza and Banished him from Zukwamia, they also conspired to wipe out the warriors of the Induzwe clan which made Zaza flee to take refuge in Europe. In search for a new leader, the Nagwezu tribe choose the leader of the Borku clan to lead, the decision in a way weakened the African defenses because of the unique nature of power Zaza possessed, he could summon a thunderstorm during the war, which had always incorporated fear into their enemies, however, this unique ability can only be within a family, (which was Zaza) among several abilities each clan possessed from mastering wind to controlling fire and other earth elements. However, he who could control the thunderstorm was called the PRIDE OF AFRICA. But for the last three centuries Africa had lost its Pride after Zaza went into exile.

Entering a new century the Germans who had taken over power in Europe had Joined forces with some other European Nations alongside Nations across Asia and America. It was the first time Asia was Joining forces in over a millennium, the Asians were known to have never lost a war as their immersed battle strategies were seen as a gift. Although the Asians had always had eyes on the Realm of Glory, they never attempted breaching Africa's defenses because of the unexplainable power of the thunderstorm which they now possessed through a half-bread young man named Leo Malcolm Zaza. Leo, the only son of his parents sort refuge in Asia with his parents after being racially abused because of his skin color, growing up he noticed that when he gets angry the weather changes, and as he grew older his parents had to tell him about his origin which made him hate Africa for what they did to his ancestor as it had subjected his family to a life of an outcast. He applied to Join the Asian Army at the age of 18 and quickly grew in ranks because of how his powers grew. He learned battle strategies also and at 25, became a luetainant general. Now he leads the Asians, Europeans, and Americans in the new war of Realms but this time the pride of Africa and Avatar of the thunderstorm is leading an army against its own. How will Africa fair now that the thunderstorm is on the other side of the battle...

Although I'm late, but I'll drop it still.

This is my entry into the dreemport series challenge, you can know more about it here

To be continued

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