Love Letters 2


James came back properly dressed and then he asked Lucy, "Would you like me to offer you anything?"

Lucy replied, "I am good, don't worry."

"About the letters, did you read them all?" James asked

"I did, that's why I'm here" Lucy said, looking nervous.

James was shocked and at the same time ashamed. Then he went to say, "I am so sorry about this" but got cut off by Lucy when she said. "No, that's okay because a week after I had purchased the house, Jane moved away to another country."

James sank into his couch and said, "She didn't tell me. I thought the letters I wrote will get to her and eventually it would change her mind about our breakup. I didn't know it would get in the hands of a stranger! "

"Look I didn't mean to intrude, but I just came here to return the letters to you and I am sorry I read the letters. Here!" Lucy dropped the box of the love letters on James' coffee table and stood up. Then she said, "I will be on my way now. Thank you for your hospitality, I will show myself out." With that Lucy walked out of James' house and left without a word while James sat on his couch still in shock at what just happened.

After an hour, Lucy got home and was emotionally hurt. Crying, she took off her clothes and went in for a hot bath. Afterward, exhausted from crying and relaxed from the hot bath, Lucy went to bed. The next morning, Lucy woke up late due to her last night's activities. Her eyes were sore and swollen which means her body requires more sleep but she had to wake up so she could make it early to the organic market for vegetables and other groceries. So after some preparation, she left for the market.

Getting to the market, she was greeted with the smell of fresh vegetables and fruits, also with the chattering noises of the buyers. Without any waste of time, she started picking out the vegetables and fruit she needs at home. As she was selecting her choice of vegetables, James appeared from nowhere, but Lucy didn't notice he was right behind her until he said, "I am sorry about last night". Quickly turned around, Lucy saw him but with disappointment on her face.

"You! Can I help you?" Lucy asked as she kept on selecting her vegetables while ignoring James.

"Please I came to apologize for my bad behavior yesterday. I was just disappointed that the letter did get to Jane. Please forgive me" James said.

Lucy look at James intensely and said, "Alright, but what are you doing here? I bet you didn't drive down here just to apologize to me?"

James smiled and said, "I came to apologize also to ask if he could start all over again. We got off on the wrong foot."

"Help me pick my veggies then I can consider your proposal" Lucy said.

With that, James didn't hesitate as he began to help Lucy pick her vegetables and fruits as Lucy kept shopping. James was watching her closely as he realized how beautiful Lucy is.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lucy asked.

Embarrassed by Lucy's questions, she quickly, James offered to help her carry her vegetable basket to where she parked her car. Getting there, he quickly asked, "Can you grab coffee with me tomorrow morning, please. So can we start as good friends?"

"Hmm, friends. Alright! I will see you tomorrow". Lucy replied as she got into her car and drove off.

To be continued...

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