Why am I building these crazy looking devices?


I had a huge amount of energy last night (likely something to do with the full moon), so instead of rolling into bed like normal I stayed up and made my most complex antenna to date.

Here is the one I bought back in January from Yannick VD, before upgrading it with some fibonacci spirals.


I may perhaps have placed it a bit close to these trees (ideally no closer than half the height of the tree) but certainly I can say it has been having a positive effect on the raspberries you can see just behind it.


In the three seasons we've been here we've only ever had enough to feed Luna (who loves them) around five to ten little fruits a day. Yet this year we must pick a decent amount daily to avoid them going soft.


Here is what we picked yesterday.


Plenty for Luna and the rest of the family!

This is the antenna I made three months ago for the pyramid garden.

cosmic antenna.jpg

I erected it at the end of April in a very naked looking space.


Crazy to see how much this land has changed in just over two months.


The antenna is now lost in a forest of sweetcorn and sunflowers.


People in the village are calling this the magic garden, because yeah, things don't normally grow so big so fast.


Our third garden, the spiral garden has these two temporary beds at the back, but as you can see we have not yet started work on the spirals themselves.


The clearing process has begun at least!


For now I just want my two new beds to fill out as fast as possible, which is where the antenna comes in...

The spiral garden antenna

Ever keen to improve on that which has come before I decided to make three types of spiral for this one. It is for the spiral garden after all!


At the top we have double spirals (which are said to be the most effective) and in the middle I made five fibonacci spirals, like the petals of a flower.


I saw a tomato flower the other day which serves as a pretty decent example of how the fibonacci spiral is used in nature to channel cosmic energy to the roots of the plant.


At the base we have all those screws in a spiral formation down the copper tube, between which the earth cable runs, spiralling its way down to the ground around the bamboo.


For your reference I used a piece of tape with small dots at 2cms intervals before drilling holes into them so the screws could be fitted accurately and with ease.


Modelled on the way in which vines grow, always clockwise from the top to channel cosmic energy to their roots.


Reminds me of an explosion from this angle, rather like my orgonite ice experiments I showed you last week.


Here's a shot of me putting the antenna in place.


I made a decent hole for it, conscious of the high winds around here. The cable is stripped at the bottom so there is a clear connection with the ground.


And that's it!


I do have a small concern that it is sitting in the middle of a watering channel and the bamboo may start to rot over time if it remains moist every day. But let's see..


The antenna will boost everything which falls within the radius of its height.


One only has to look at the branches of trees in spring to understand what this antenna is modelled upon.


Trees grow in such a way that they become natural cosmic antenna, channeling the energy down to their roots.

My antenna is made of metal however, so it will be much more conductive than a tree. This is why you have to be careful about putting antenna too close to trees. They will effectively take that which the tree was taking and ultimately kill it.

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My antenna also has three types of copper spiral in there, all of them enhancing and directing the flow of energy (which always moves in a clockwise direction).

Final thoughts

If it isn't obvious already, to answer the question at the top of this post, I am building these antenna to make my plants grow like they never grew before. Bigger better faster stronger. Higher nutrition too. Why everyone in the world isn't doing this is beyond me?


What I like most about this game is that there isn't just one way to do it. You can get creative and do it your own way. As long you are taking your inspiration from nature, you are doing it right.

Before I erected my antenna it spent a day like this and it occurred to me it could be a very effective space for sick plants, or indeed plants you simply want to boost.


The flowers by the way are all from our land.


This jungle has much diversity!


Love & Light everyone 🌱

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