How to see Orgone energy: a comparative test of orgonite pyramids using frozen water


In order to prove the effectiveness of my recent orgonite pyramid built on functionality (as described in this post) I have for the last week been conducting tests with pyramids placed on glasses of water while they freeze to see how they compare.

Here is the pyramid in question, sitting on a glass of water in a freezer drawer.


Control group

First up let's have a look at the control group.

In this situation I placed only the glass of water in the freezer. Am using filtered water by the way. Water straight out of the tap won't give such great results. Also, we removed all orgonite pyramids from the kitchen, to ensure they were not affecting the experiment.

After two hours it looked like this.


The bubble you can see is water with ice developing around it. Can only assume this happens due to the shape of the glass?

Two hours later the bubble is smaller.


Two hours later the bubble is almost gone and the rest of the glass looks a bit of a mess.


Two hours later I removed the ice from the glass and this is what I could see.


The bubble is still visible as a white cloud and there are some little air bubbles pushing outward from it, but importantly there are no lines.

The iron pyramid

I was excited to test out my iron pyramid next. Built on functionality, this one should technically produce the best results.


I put it in the freezer on the glass of water (its sides alined with the cardinal points) at 10:42 and removed it at 12:37.


It was evident right away that something was different. There were lines pushing outward from the middle just under where the pyramid had been sitting.


At 15:32 the same large bubble was starting to form but this time with incredible jets, all shooting outward from the middle.


Viewed from above here.


Here it is at 18:29 looking pretty spectacular.


At 21:14 I removed the ice from the glass to get a closer look.


From above.




Even more so when you stick a torch behind it.


What you are looking at here is Cosmic/Orgone/Chi/Prana energy pushing out from underneath the pyramid.


Makes me think of an explosion.


Keep in mind the thickness of the 'arms' and how many of them have made it to the extremity of the glass where they appear as a little air bubble.


The iron pyramid on ice cubes

The next thing I tried was the same pyramid on top of an ice cube tray. Notice the compass, telling me the pyramid is facing north.


Ice cubes are much faster than a full glass, so two hours later I had the results.


I wanted to see if the energy lines moved in a uniform manner through the tray of ice cubes and indeed they did.

What you are looking at here is the centre of the tray where the pyramid was sitting and you can see how the lines mostly move outward from the middle.


I wonder if there is a business in selling orgone energy infused ice cubes??? Certainly they will be better for you than a regular ice cube made from tap water! And just as a quick side note, I highly recommend keeping orgonite in your fridge where it will be able to boost all your food. It will be better for you and stay fresh longer.

The 75% epoxy resin pyramid

So how does my functional pyramid (which is a 50/50 mix of iron powder & epoxy resin, plus a quartz crystal in the middle) compare with a pyramid composed of around 75% epoxy resin, some mixed crystals and a small amount of copper?


For your reference it also has this copper symbol at the base.


Well, after two hours the same bubble was forming again.


But this time only one jet of energy could be seen extending from it.


I went to bed at this point and reviewed again in the morning, with much satisfaction.


Seen from above here.


Evidently there is still a big effect going on though as expected it seems less strong than with the iron pyramid. Different too. We don't see much of the white ball in the middle and there are less 'arms' which don't extend to the extremity of the glass (except where the pyramid was closest to the water). Reminds me of a sea creature.


With all of that said I am extremely happy to see this result! It means the multitude of pyramids I have made in this style are all working to a degree.

The 50/50 cone

This cone is approximately 50% resin and 50% crystals & copper.


With my trademark symbol on the bottom ;)


In this case the cone is too small for the glass so I tried it in this coffee cup.


The results, despite being smaller, were as expected.


Another view here.


As a quick side note these cones are not my desired angle of 51° at the apex. In fact they appear to be more like 45° but evidently still have an effect. I believe there is something about the circle itself which generates energy. Rather like my cosmic cucumber cone.


Which looked like this exactly one month ago (3rd June).


In fact it only took them three and a half weeks because for the last three days we have been eating the fruit which is growing in abundance. And from four plants I can today see around 20 ripe cucumbers which are ready for picking.


The control group cucumbers (climbing up perimeter fences) are a fraction of the size with zero fruit ready for picking.

The 80/20 Nubian pyramid


The magic angle of 51° can be found in the apex of a Nubian pyramid, unlike the classic pyramid in which it is found at the four base corners.


As a quick side note it is said that if one meditates in a classic pyramid (which is low to the ground) they are interacting with terrestrial energy. While if one sits in a Nubian pyramid (which pushes upward towards the sky) they are interacting with cosmic energy.

This one has around 80% resin and 20% crystals and copper, so I was interested to see what kind of effect it had.


Here it is after around three hours.


It would appear there are no lines. Only bubbles.

Interesting to see the base and the way it extends further than the rest. Could this be because of the more cosmic effect of the Nubian pyramid?


Here it is at the end with still the same effect going on.


Undeniably beautiful yet evidently less strong than the others.


The store bought pyramid

Next up we have a Nubian pyramid Sabrina bought a year ago. As I mentioned in my previous post, intentions are important during the creation of orgonites, so when one is making them for financial gains, there may be a different effect.

This one is also a little bit broken with a piece missing off the top.


Surprisingly the effect was still strong. A few of the lines appear longer than the rest and have reached the edge of the glass.


The only thing I would say is that the lines appear a bit thinner than the ones we have made.


The empty mold

It seemed only logical that at this stage I should try with the empty mold. Obviously here I have no metal and no resin. Just a silicon mold in the shape of a Nubian pyramid (on the inside).


I expected it to look like the control group but I was wrong.

It looked like this!


So what does it mean?

Is it the shape alone doing this?


Or is it perhaps the fact that my family and I have already made numerous orgonites using this mold, so it is still infused with our intentions & a residue of energy from all those pyramids?

The bolt

Intrigued, I set about doing another test with an inanimate object chosen at random from my tool box.

Perhaps any old thing will have an effect?


It was evident the bolt was interacting with the water because there were these 'ribs' which opened at the round end.


But the effect on the rest of the water was rather like the control group, with a few small bubbles and no lines.


Final thoughts

As a little reminder here is the control group again, a glass of water in the freezer with no orgonite anywhere near it.


Alongside the effect of our strongest pyramid.


In conclusion it seems to me that the quantity and strength of the lines/spikes/arms is a good indicator of effect. If there are many and they have been able to reach the extremities of the glass this is a positive sign, whereas if you can see bubbles only, your orgonite isn't effective.

I have been pondering the possibility of placing my iron pyramid on top of a mold with liquid resin in it. Perhaps I will see this same effect immortalised in the resin as it sets?

I would like this very much! And certainly I don't see anyone else capturing the beautiful effect of Orgone energy within the resin pyramids themselves.

Let's see if I can do it and perhaps I will find my niche within this exploding marketplace, selling products which are both beautiful and functional.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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