Now Free for All! Bro Bang Season 2 Is Here! | Get Ready for the Continuation of the Success Story!


I am pleased to announce that Bro Bang Season 2 is in the starting blocks - open to all Hivians. After more than 550 HIVE were paid out in Season 1, we are starting new weekly events and the corresponding Season 2 after a warm-up phase (as before Season 1) so that new players can also prepare themselves and be ready to race. All information about this in this article.


In order to make the start fair for all players and not give Season 1 players too much of an advantage, we are starting the warm-up phase today. In 14 days, i.e. on July 15, the events will begin, during which points can be collected for the season rankings.


After the 14-day warm-up phase, an event will take place every week, as before. An event always lasts from Monday 0:00 to Sunday 24:00. As always with CryptoCompany, all times are in the UTC time zone.

In an event, not only token winnings are earned, which are paid out directly after the event, but also Season Points. Season Points are accumulated over the course of the season and result in the season ranking at the end of the season. The collection for Season Points starts on 15.7.2024 and ends at the end of the season, 29.12.2024 - that's 24 weeks.


Unlike last season and its events, the amount players can win is no longer limited. To give the CCD token (and the LGN token of the @Brofund) further relevance, winnings will now also be paid out in CCD (or LGN).

In the case of CCD, in addition to the 10,000 CCD base amount, 75% of the game fees will be transferred to the jackpot. The remaining 25% of the game fees are burned.

I assume that the LGN token will also be introduced to the game in the near future. The details of the LGN mode will be announced as soon as all details are finalized and the LGN mode is launched.


Mode 1: You can play and train Bro bang for free at any time. The only thing you need is a Hive account, which is available here for free. This game mode costs the player no tokens, but also offers no winnings.

Mode 2: If you want to win CCD, you have the opportunity to do so in mode 2. You can decide whether you want to take part in the event with a single game or have an unlimited number of games available within the event so that you can quickly improve your ranking if necessary. A single game costs 100 CCD, for unlimited games within the event 1000 CCD will be charged.

Mode 3: I assume that the LGN token will also be introduced to the game in the near future. There will be a similar system here as in mode 2 (game with CCD). I assume that this mode will be opened as soon as all details have been coordinated with Brofund as the token holder.

There will be a season ranking for both the CCD and LGN modes. You can decide whether you want to take part in one ranking or both. If you earn Season Points in an event, these will automatically be integrated into the respective season ranking.


Finally, better graphics await the player. In addition, my tests of the new version(s) so far have shown better performance. Anyone who has noticed a stutter here and there in the past when 10 things were triggered simultaneously in the game can now probably look forward to a smoother gaming experience.

Anyone who remembers @brobang's last posts will know that there are more new things waiting to be integrated into the upcoming season. But before I start raving about all the upcoming glory, I'll just release updates during the warm-up phase instead (and report about them on @brobang), instead of getting myself into trouble now with lots of promises. (The last 2 years have drained me enough and I've worn myself out mentally - so I feel little need to set myself under pressure - I have enough without making promises...) Please read the next few paragraphs on this topic as there is news that may seem relevant to you.


Or a reason for joy, depending on your point of view...

The following content does not actually belong in this post. However, since I always try to be fully transparent (not only) when it comes to CryptoCompany (the parent project behind Bro bang), I decided to briefly mention the following here.

As long-term fans of CryptoCompany and Bro Bang know, CryptoCompany and Bro Bang were largely developed and funded by me as a single person and full-time job - not to mention all the great and valuable support from many an individual or hive project. After more than 2 years of working on the project, however, I am so financially exhausted that I could not avoid taking on another "job"; as a source of income to finance my livelihood, as well as the further development of CryptoCompany. On the one hand, this is gratifying, as it ensures the continuation of the project, but on the other hand it also takes up time that I would have previously invested in CryptoCompany.

Depending on your perspective, this may sound sobering at first. On the other hand, however, I'm happy because my additional "job" has been very well received and I'm on the road to success in this area - which not only ensures the continued existence of CryptoCompany, but also provides additional funds for maintenance and paid programming work.

Details for those who want to know more: I started DJing again after a few years break and after only 2 sessions with my barber I was able to land a gig in the biggest discotheque here in town - not to mention engagements in cocktail bars, at events of a local music retailer or engagements at private festivities. If you want to find out more about this, you'll probably soon find out more on my private blog (@PowerPaul) - but I'm not promising that, because I'm already busy enough with CryptoCompany and DJing, so I don't necessarily have to report on my DJing on Hive as well. But maybe there will be something on the subject on my private blog from time to time.

Finally, it's good to know that I've accepted only one single (and easy to manage) gig/job for the next 14 days so that I'll have enough time to finalize the start of the season and gradually integrate or finalize the elements in my backlog.


After we left last season with Bro bang in version 0.7.X, 0.8.X has now been released and can be accessed as usual at In the coming days, during the warm-up phase, I will prepare the website for the new season and, as already mentioned, I will gradually introduce the new content & fix some stuff I wasn't able to manage due to the lack of time in the last days. In the spirit of promotion, I will report on @CryptoCompany and @BroBang about that.

Then, I won't keep myself and you any longer, have fun in the warm-up and preparation phase so that you are ready to go when it comes to the hot coals.


In Season 1, the player field separated into experienced and rather inexperienced players. I have integrated a section on the website with tips, tricks and hints. For the best possible points, you would do well to read this section.


I think this article is already too long anyway, but at least it contains the essential aspects. As already mentioned, I will report a few more things over the next few days and make sure that I publish another overview post with all the important details before the points collection in events and the season starts again. Therefore: make sure you follow @CryptoCompany & @brobang! Don't forget @Brofund too!

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day & be blessed!

See you later in the comments!

Make the best of the your day!



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