EPIC! You won OVER 500 HIVE with playing Bro Bang so far! | Event 25 & Season 1 ended


Damn! I feel like this is the most epic article @BroBang or even @CryptoCompany has ever written so far. Before we speak out the congratulations and go to over the details, let's say it straight away: YOU HAVE WON OVER 500 HIVE!


So... we have finished the Bro Bang event 25 last week plus the season 1. Both ended on 02.06.2024. This means all players not only received their event rewards, but the season rewards too.

As always I make the overview table after the event end. Today plus the final reward table for the season. And what can I say... Once again?


I am overwhelmed... ... ... And I am soooo happy for you!

In this moment I like to say a few words to you. To you as a person and part of the community and to the community as a whole. Then go thru the event ranking as always, followed by the season ranking. And after that, I like to show you some more numbers, who won what, who played how extreme and so on. And if this is not enough for you, I have a detailed overview about all the rankings within the last season (+ the 3 weeks warm-up before).

Yes, I am very excited and I will try to not babbel to much, but some things I HAVE to say!



Bro Bang was the first mini-game from CryptoCompany. Somehow the "first try". And it was not only the first game from CryptoCompany, but personally my first game, too. I never published a game before. And I am very thankful that it got accepted in this - lastly overwhelming - way. It was available for a very limited amount of loyal supporters of CryptoCompany and just on the first weekend there were OVER 13,000 hits within this game... Awesome! Right now as I write this text, there are 593,976 clicks counted within the game. Far more than HALF A MILLION clicks!


Yes, you receive all my thanks for that!

I am very happy about that we finished the first season this way - and we are facing the second season, which will start on 1.7.2024. And not only that! Bro Bang will be open for all Hivians! There was not only a very interesting and exciting race for the rankings in the last weeks... but when I look forward to what we will see in the upcoming season, I am soo excited, I can't describe. But I am not only excited about the game alone. The most important was and is: This GREAT community and your being within!


I don't want to fall into the "Oh, it was so hard sometimes for me bla bla bla...". May it be, but YOU as great community and individual you are, you carried not only me thru all times, but drove the community... My honest thanks for all of your playing, your likes, your reblogs, your comments, your support, your "Paul, there is a bug". I don't want to annoy you, but:

Let's go over to the event ranking from last week. Don't worry, it is the dry table which we know and I will restart to babbel again after this. ;-)

Bro Bang EVENT 25 | Ranking closed at 02.06.2024 23:59:59

RankRewardUserPointsPoints for seasonSeason points completeTimeTimestamp
15 SWAP.HIVE@lorddiablo46651327800:12:242024-05-29 08:27:10
24 SWAP.HIVE@thedoc0728771224400:10:572024-06-02 20:49:34
33 SWAP.HIVE@silviabeneforti1968112200:13:162024-06-01 06:04:18
42 SWAP.HIVE@blackibutterfly15311020100:10:592024-06-01 02:56:05
51 SWAP.HIVE@libertycrypto2791395300:06:442024-05-28 09:13:20
60.5 SWAP.HIVE@chaosmagic2348681400:04:552024-05-28 15:26:55
70.4 SWAP.HIVE@bitandi330717600:04:322024-05-30 11:27:30
80.3 SWAP.HIVE@forykw23366400:04:182024-05-30 11:17:19
90.2 SWAP.HIVE@karizma10851400:02:442024-06-02 09:55:11

Congratulations to all players!

Your rewards are already sent from @ccceo.rewards and in your wallet.


Normally I try to write & publish in short form (at least I claim that), because I don't want to bore you. Now I could write about head-to-head races for the rankings, about "funny" player behavior, about serious behavior, about my thinking "Hey, he is training an AI to my game, isn't he?", about players who tried hard but "lost" all the time, about players who made thousands and thousands of points with ease...

All in all it was a very exciting season and I am happy to present you the season results now.

Season #1 started at 01.01.2024 and endet at 02.06.2024. There were 3 weeks of warm-up before and lastly 22 events within this season. Some players only played once or twice, some players played every week. Week for week. And they wrote above that in their blog, made promo and contests. And sadly I have no special reward for this behavior, but you can imagine (and see in the stats I give you in a moment), that this player cracked the ranking... I don't know if it is okay for these users if I push them here into the spotlight, but at least I want to say to them a veeeery big "Thank you for all of your support!" You know how much you supported not only Bro bang, but with this CryptoCompany in general.

My applause!

But not only these Hivians received corresponding earnings. When you look into the stats document later, you will see: playing was rewarded. Lastly the players who played the most, earned the most. (But you will see all details in the stats further down.)

Lets come to the moment we are all waiting for... The ranking of...

Bro Bang SEASON 1 | Ranking closed at 02.06.2024 23:59:59

Season RankUserPoints won in last eventSeason points completeReward for Season Ranking
1@lorddiablo1327825 SWAP.HIVE
2@thedoc071224420 SWAP.HIVE
3@blackibutterfly1020115 SWAP.HIVE
4@bitandi717610 SWAP.HIVE
5@pregosauce01595 SWAP.HIVE
6@dewabrata01574.5 SWAP.HIVE
7@pero820974 SWAP.HIVE
8 (+1)@forykw6643.5 SWAP.HIVE
9 (-1)@yourfairy0633 SWAP.HIVE
10@libertycrypto279532.5 SWAP.HIVE
11@whoswho0412 SWAP.HIVE
12@solymi0391.5 SWAP.HIVE
13@adacardano0301 SWAP.HIVE
14 (+3)@silviabeneforti11220.9 SWAP.HIVE
15 (-1)@arpuch0200.8 SWAP.HIVE
16 (+2)@karizma5140.7 SWAP.HIVE
17 (-2)@memess0130.6 SWAP.HIVE
18 (-2)@willendorfia0130.5 SWAP.HIVE
19@tokenpimp080.4 SWAP.HIVE
20@bitcoinflood070.3 SWAP.HIVE
21@chaosmagic238140.2 SWAP.HIVE
22@ynwa.andree050.1 SWAP.HIVE
23@thebighigg550.1 SWAP.HIVE
24@rama-dev040.1 SWAP.HIVE
25@risingstargame040.1 SWAP.HIVE
26@flamo040.1 SWAP.HIVE
27@stickupboys030.1 SWAP.HIVE
28@captaincryptic020.1 SWAP.HIVE
29@thgaming020.1 SWAP.HIVE

Once again:

Congratulations to all players!

As I wrote this article I increased (or created) the rewards for the lower ranks, because I thought "On this exciting day nobody should go home with empty hands." It is not much, but I hope you as receiver welcome this. But please don't thank me for that - it is the minimum what I can do to say "thank you"! Here as well: our rewards are already sent from @ccceo.rewards into your wallet.


I am very happy about the results. And isn't it exciting that players who received the needed CCCEO Access Code just a few weeks ago, landed on higher places? I really hope you had much fun playing as I have the joy to send you the rewards for your playing.

I look forward to so much, to see you in the next rankings again!

And before we close this festive posting, I want to give you not only the link to the stats (with many details), but I want to share at least one table more. It is the table who earned which amount of SWAP.HIVE during the season (and the 3 weeks of warm-up before). I really like to share this table here, because it is such a joy to see how much you earned and it is a very good promotion for new players and the next season. ;-)

Once again, I am happy for you to show you:

Season RankUserPlayed eventsEvent RewardsAverage Event RewardSeason RewardRewards Complete

Well done!

There were a few players who played just in the warm-up phase and not during the season - these players aren't included in this table. But you can see all details in the Google document which I prepared for you. For those who don't like to dig thru the table, the last stat here in this article:

SWAP.HIVE rewards in events during season 1 (& season warm-up)409.2
SWAP.HIVE rewards for season 1 ranking102.2
Total SWAP.HIVE rewards511.4


Before we forget: ensure you follow @BroBang, vote this article and reblog it. This means a lot to me and helps to promote the upcoming "open for all" start. Thank you!


The next season will start on 01.07.2024 and all Hivians are free to play - the CCCEO Access Code will not longer be needed to enter Bro Bang. Until the season starts, there will be no events - but you can use this time to test play and have a little training and preparing. Hint: there are some hints and tricks under the game window - maybe you want to check these to improve your playing. I will use this time to switch over and publish the new game version (0.8.X) and do some bug hunting within the new version.

Right now there is still version 0.7.14 (which requires the CCCEO Access Code). After I slept a little, I will finalize switching the version, begin to change the website and so on. I will keep you updated about the progress - because I can imagine new players want to join and "old" players like to discover new things. So be sure to follow @BroBang and @CryptoCompany. So once again:

Playing for rewards/events/season will restart at 01.07.2024

I think that's it for the moment. After I press(ed) on "publish posting" I will enjoy a few quite moments, think of you and will say and feel very often again:

Thank you!
Thank you for your being here!
I look forward to the next round - together with you!

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day & be blessed!

See you later in the comments!

Make the best of the your day!

Any questions?




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