Best Nurse Ever

Miss Cinnamon has always been a cuddler... and it's always been universally understood in our home that she is my daughter's cat. Our two boy cats were always all over me, or seeking to be in my room, but her? she'd stay snuggled under my daughter's duvet for 10 hours straight.

She's 5 now, and has surprised me so much the last months. She was born with some birth defects - back legs that don't work 100% and a very weird, short, crooked tail. She can't jump up very well, cos her back haunches don't have the spring in them, and when she jumps down from high places, her back legs sort-of collapse and she falls over. It doesn't seem to bother her and she gets right on up again, as if nothing has ever happened.

We lost both our boys to FIV the last months - Mr Gin passed away in my arms on New Year's morning and MD passed away, in my bed, just 8 weeks later. And so now it's just her. And it's been AMAZING to watch the care and love this little Being has started regularly lavishing on me.

And then I got Covid.

And what to say? Miss Cinny morphed into an attentive A class nurse, almost overnight and has been in my room 15 hours a day, every day.


For the 12 days I was in bed with fever and vomiting, rash and aches & pains all over, she was just there. ON ME. Next to me. And as close as she could make herself. She doesn't like the computer in bed, and always manages to find a way to squeeze her self between me and the screen. 😆



The first week without the boys, after MD passed and she was all alone for the first time in her life, she was bewildered, and a bit lost. But she seems to have a renewed sense of purpose, just being CLOSE to anyone who needs her warmth, her attention and her contented purring.


I'm in the end stages of my Covid recovery now, after 4 weeks, and almost back to normal, and yet she KNOWS in the late afternoons when I'm slain by fatigue, or in the early mornings when I'm needing to get up but just don't quite have the oomph to face a big day at the office; she snuggles in close and loves on me, as only the very best nurses know how to do.


I continue to be blessed by this lovely creature, who KNOWS how to give comfort, snuggles and attention, and who climbs up high to sit on my chest whenever she can. She KNOWS the time spent giving her head rubs is amazing medicine for ME, and so she insists on it very, very often.

Sharing my Covid isolation room with Miss Cinny has been something to be savored and treasured & remembered - she truly is the best nurse ever!


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