My little knowledge on preeclampsia

I love discussing about women maybe because am a woman or a female nurse.
Well am so happy that science has gone so deep in research and they have brought so many solution to most problem women face.

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Let's talk about preeclampsia

What is preeclampsia

I am pregnant! 😲 Wow that's great news am so happy and I start making plans for both me and my baby, hubby is very happy and shops for my and my baby, suddenly at 20wks or 34wks everything just changed, my blood pressure becomes so high, hubby rushed me to the hospital to see the doctor, some routine test are carried out and there is protein in my urine which is abnormal, on examination the doctor noticed that my legs are swollen 😳 am sad.
The above is just a complete l definition of preeclampsia.
This condition left untreated can lead to eclampsia and it will affect both the child and the mother, it can take the life of both mother and child.
Preeclampsia can cause seizure which is not a good one.

There are some other signs symptoms of preeclampsia.
Some women experiences belly pain on the upper right while some might start putting on weight.
The woman will start experiencing severe headache that may be accompanied with dizziness.
I have also come across some women who find it difficult to breath, vomits and feels nausea.

What can be the cause of preeclampsia?

This simple happens when the placenta fails to do its job and this might be as a result of poor diet and lack of maintenance, a pregnant woman deserve sooo much care and love.
Most times this can happen as a result of reduced blood flow to the uterus, it can also be a genetic problem.

What some complications of preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia can lead to having a prematured baby which might develop some sickness like cerebral palsy, some disabilities, and epilepsy.

On the part of the mother preeclampsia can lead to heart failure, stroke, liver bleeding and collection of fluid in the chest.

Meet a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment, the necessary blood test will be done to check the platelets and also check the protein level in the urine.
Ultrasound is also carried out to get the situation of the baby.

Are you pregnant? How can you prevent yourself from preeclampsia?

Please always see the doctor during pregnancy, always follow instructions not matter how invalid they seem to you, make sure you take your vitamins as instructed.
Them make sure you have enough rest, always know you blood pressure level.
In doing all this you will prevent preeclampsia.

It's a very beautiful thing to get pregnant and have chicken but sometimes the complications makes it difficult for humans.

Thank you all

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