DreamOn's GrowLog [Transplanting seedlings] šŸŒ±

Hello fellow Smokers and Growers, Gardeners and casual Readers of my blog.

Today I continue my hive exclusive grow report...


As you remember, we ended the previous part of my report on the fact that I simply poured the seeds that I got for free into dug up and fertilized soil without any preliminary soaking and loosened it with a rake. Of course, abundantly watered the entire landing site

We had wet and cloudy weather almost all the time. I haven't had to water them since planting. I only occasionally came to see if anyone had gotten out. It's been quite a while since then, and I'm starting to get a little worried about having to admit to you that part of the experiment failed. After 13 days, the first sprouts appeared

Today in the morning I went out to transplant my seedlings from the purchased Crimean seeds, and the my "wild-growing" garden bed already looks like this.


Today I watered them for the first time.

The first small success, which balanced the losses, which will be discussed later.

Let's move on to the main and most interesting part of the report:

Transplanting seedlings from purchased seeds


As I mentioned earlier, there were cloudy days, and although I ran around with a tray of seedlings from window to window, alas, there was not enough natural light for my plants. As a result, we have long, thin, weak stems stretching towards the light, unable to withstand their own underdeveloped growth points.

Well, we will work with what we have, and there is still time to buy autoflowers with your support.


Since the plant lies on its side and is not able to support its own weight, it was decided to plant the Crimean seedlings deeper into the ground in order to fix the plants in an upright position with soil.


Next, our plants are moved one by one from the temporary pots to the open soil.



I try to do this as carefully as possible so as not to accidentally damage the fragile stem.
In parallel, we have to cut grass and thorns, which, after the rains, rose high above the ground around the beds prepared in advance.

Clods of earth fell out of the pots easily and the roots remained completely intact. The plants have successfully moved to their new home and feel great.


By evening it began to drizzle, which is dangerous for weak seedlings.



For a while, until the bushes get stronger, I decided to protect them from the wind, wild birds and insects by covering them with glass jars.


Banks will also create a greenhouse effect, which will make it easier to endure daily temperature changes in spring.
In such protective suits, the plants will be until they grow up and get stronger.


I think the next week or two they will be quite spacious there.

Everything went great at this stage!


Now to the unpleasant moments:

Today my child got to the window, and while I was not looking, he accidentally broke one of the plants.


It's a pity, but the child is not to blame. Dad needed to take better care of the baby.
The first victim of my inattention.


Well, I can not help but share the result of yet another indiscretion that has happened to me since our last meeting.

On a damp dirt road, I cut off the road and, without calculating the speed, flew into a ditch at a turn.




The first passing driver pulled me out of the pit with a tow rope and I was able to get home on my own!
By the way, I already changed the headlight, it remains to replace the fender


Itā€™s good that I was alone, and apart from my self-confidence and the family budget, no one was hurt. But on the other hand, there is a good reason with a happy ending to remind everyone of the need to be careful while driving, fasten your seat belts and observe the speed limit, especially on unfamiliar sections of the road! Remember about loved ones who are waiting for you or traveling with you and do not make rash maneuvers.

Soil Preparation + Sowing in the GroundRrootingExtraction of Essential Oils with Homemade Extractor (Tutorial)


ā˜®ļø Wishing everyone bright warm sunshine and huge, juicy cannabis buds!

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