Gorilla Glue is beginning to flower.

GG in the front and back right with GDP in the back left.
GG #2 got topped last night and will be exploding with growth this next week.
GG #1 is already stretching and getting ready for flower.
Snapped a branch last night while training. Good thing is that it was prior to flower, so it will only make the remaining branches fuller.
GDP standing tall getting ready to explode.
I am excited for this GDP. It is going to be massive.
Can't wait for these bud sites to fill in.
Full flowering should begin by next weekend.
Best thing about these pots is there are so many spots to tie down branches for some low stress training.
GG #2 will begin its low stress training this week.

One thing I really love about autos is how fast they grow. My gorilla glue plants are about 4 and a half weeks old and things are moving along right on schedule with them. The last gorilla glue that I grew was just a few days over 8 weeks old when I harvested it, which leaves right about 4 more weeks for these two ladies to flower.

The GG #1 popped up out of the soil a day before the other one, but it seems to be a few days ahead in terms of progression. It is quite a bit larger than the other one, but it wont take GG #2 to catch up. GG #2 finally had enough branches for me to cut the top to prevent it from growing anymore, so now it will begin to focus on getting wider and not too much taller. I had topped the GG #1 a few days ago, and since then, it has really begun to stretch its branches out more, allowing me to begin some low stress training.

I did break one of the branches on GG #1 last night, but it isn't too big of a deal to me because it happened so early that it hadn't started flowering, so I am not losing anything. It may end up being the opposite and cause the remaining branches to be more full and the buds to get fatter. I really like trying to get the training in early and move the branches around and tie them down so that all the leaves can get an equal amount of light and the lower branches aren't getting blocked by the bigger fan leaves above them.

I am super excited for the Granddaddy Purple to really start growing. The first couple weeks are usually pretty slow and don't look like too much is going on. But the important stuff is all happening under the soil. The first couple weeks, you want to make sure that you are watering properly so that your plants have a strong root system to gather nutrients and support the plant. Some people end up watering too little during this stage, which makes the roots really shallow and can stunt growth. The opposite can also be true and if you over water, you will stunt the growth of the roots because they don't need to stretch to find any water. Over watering can also drown a fragile seedling, so always keep an eye on your soil to make sure that it needs water before you add any. When I do add water to the GDP, I have been giving it almost double what the other plants get because when I water, I want to make sure to drench the entire 7 gallon pot.

This next week should be pretty exciting because the GG plants are going to start their bud development. If they are any like the previous GG, they will fatten up pretty quickly. The last GG I grew had the best bud structure of any plant that I have grown, so I am excited to see if I can get the same results or better with these ones. One thing I really love about growing is that I have gotten better with each grow, and the quality of my plants have gotten so much better. Things are getting really exciting in the tent.

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