Bitten by The Rising Star Bug - Music Lesson Time

Rising Star.JPG

Back to the Future

I did Rising Star way back. It didn't really itch any scratches.
It was just an added effort.

Now, that I am delving deeper, and deeper, into the Hive World, I am seeing more, and more, the appeal to the whole ecosystem at our feet.

Here, the whole Music Industry vibe sung to me. The effort that has gone into making the game. To making the cards. To making the music.

Hey Bro! - Rebirthing Back to Rising Stars


My rebirthing began after jumping into the Bro Token.

I was sold on the BRO Token because of its intended purpose and community engagement. Read more here @brofund/the-roadmap-is-here

They mentioned that they developed a card for Rising Stars, Legion.


So, I grabbed a copy.
Then, I bought some packs to open.

Then, Ego, arose.

Ego, is not a dirty word! Ego!


When you open packs, the card benefits apply to your account.
This is convenient as it amps up your account by magnitudes.

One thing I learned was Ego reduces your earnings.
I love that mechanic. It occurs because, the number of fans that you have, outweigh your Skill level.

This results in a fair balance to ensure people don't just buy cards to avoid the rise up.

This, in turn, resulted on me trying to increase the Level of my account. At, Level 10, you can undertake Music Lessons to increase your Skill level.

I reached Level 10 today.

Music Lessons


I like to try everything in a new Crypto game.
I read about different functions.
But, I like immersion. I like to tinker with different parts of the game.
So, I've done several lessons.

When my Energy is low, I do lower value gigs in the hope of finding some Pizza.
Pizza, restores your Energy to 100% - and the cycle continues.


and if you want to jump onto Rising Stars.

Here's my Referral link for us all to Prosper.

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