The Roadmap Is Here.


Hey all you good people!

If you watched the Broshow yesterday then you would have had yourself a taste of our new roadmap. That's right, our new, official, and already started work on -- roadmap.

Sadly, my recording equipment only picked up my voice and no-one elses. So for next week's Bro show I will be doing a lot of testing before we start to get it right this time.

Luckily, if you missed it then I'll be sharing it with you here today. It's quite big so I can't share it in a one liner to you on hive. You'll have to go to our site directly and go read it yourself. Luckily, it's only a click away: You can find it here.

For those of you that can't be bothered clicking on the link and want a TL;DR version, then I'll put it to you straight.

FYI We haven't included Cine in this roadmap because it will have its own separate roadmap.

There are three things that I plan to be focusing on in the coming months and those will be:

A Leadership Portal

I would like for us to create some form of resource and idea sharing place to be for community leaders. The idea is not to get "inside info" but to improve our practices as a community for the betterment of our users.

Essentially a discord (or anywhere else for that matter) for community leaders to share ideas, information, and resources.

A Dragon's Den

We would like to utilise this resource to create a "pitching den" for inspired individuals to come and throw ideas at us for some of our money and advice/support for a part in their project. Please keep in mind we will be looking for uniqueness. None of us will be inspired with yet another curation project.

Initially we would like to trial this concept and iron out the kinks. At the beginning Dragons can compete for ownership or work together depending on the ideas put forth to us. This will allow us to understand what works and what does not work, simplifying and streamlining the entire process.

Basically a pitching deck for those that need funds and capital, and a venture capitalism resource for people looking to invest.

Hive in a box

We are currently trialling this system with CineTV as I write this. We are slowly building a trustworthy and reliable team that can be put to any task that we give them. This means that we can swoop in and help, mentor, or even outright dig out of the dirt failing projects (or newly started ones) in the future.

Our Leadership and Marketing Team has a combined 60+ years of experience and bring to the table a diverse skillset of (but not limited to) project management, leadership, team building and dynamics, and conflict resolution. We plan to offer these skills along with our Social
Media experts and branding support to the wider community.

We have a highly experienced senior developer working with us and one that is no stranger to blockchain.

Eventually we will be a one stop shop. The plan is for people to come to us for help, guidance, mentoring, or support.

This is also meant to tie into the Dragons Den where we can add extra support onto someone that needs it.

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