I have won again! First place in LGN event, 2nd in the CCD event! 4239.560 $CCD & 6.456 $LGN and 19 season points with Bro Bang event #3 in season #2! So happy about!!!
It looks like that I improve week by week! Thanks so much to @brobang for this fun game! I am a little proud about the results and I hoped so much I will keep this ranks over the week. @teooo pushed me
$ 0.050
Bro Bang Event 3 is over, 4 has started + EXCITING SEASON RANKINGS + Changings in the game routine (V0.8.34)
What a week! If this week and the results weren't exciting, I don't know what... We closed event 3 within season 2 and here are the rankings! Look at the rankings and how much they changed! This I call
$ 1.752
Bugfix: Bro Bang 0.8.33 Published | Problem with scaling solved which caused pins in the air during forced spawn waves
The awesome @lorddiablo worked together with me on a very ugly bug the last days. And @teooo gave me hint, too, where a unintentional aspect of the game is lurking. So I solved both (at least Teo's thing;
$ 3.719
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