I have won again! First place in LGN event, 2nd in the CCD event! 4239.560 $CCD & 6.456 $LGN and 19 season points with Bro Bang event #3 in season #2! So happy about!!!

It looks like that I improve week by week! Thanks so much to @brobang for this fun game!

I am a little proud about the results and I hoped so much I will keep this ranks over the week. @teooo pushed me from rank 1 to rank 2 in the CCD event, but I was able to hold my 1st rank in the LGN event...

Now I have seen that @teooo ranked again very high in the actual event... @teooo, let me care about my family and after that I play too... What a great fun to compete with all the players!

My rankings from last week:

First my proud LGN ranking for the event:


The CCD event:


And because of this good event ranking my season rankings improved too. Look here:

The LGN season:


And the CCD season:


Now I am really tickled to improve more! @teooo... we see us... ;-)

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