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Rising star game: how to keep fan ego skills balanced?

Ego is the issue of every player after 15th level many new player don't know what to do? there is 2 things are responsible for increasing ego, fan and mission.

large number of fans is 1st cause of increasing ego and 2nd one is mission.

so how can we keep it balanced ?

  1. don't repeat same mission again and again in same day(you can repeat 2 or 3 time if needed)
  2. Keep doing music lessons and increase skills as much as you can.
  3. Keep minimum 20% extra skills difference from fans. (if you have 4000 fan your should have 5000 skills it's minimum you can keep it 25 30 %)
  4. buy some music instruments increase skill reward per mission.
  5. try to buy only one music lesson instruments to get more skills from this missions.
  6. don't be greedy for starbits keep shuffling missions don't rush after same mission.
  7. don't buy fan cards if you don't have enough skills to counter ego.

these tips will help you to keep ego balanced.
keep it 0 to 5 % to get better starbits rewards per mission.

in my next I will tell which cards are fit for your music lesson.

Thank You For Visiting Post . Good Bye.

Here is my other post's about rising star game.

Rising Star Game: weekly contest announcement rules and rewards

The rising star: Yahoo... 500 Missions Completed And Got 1 Random Card Packs.(Giveaway)

*Rising Star Game: the crafting tale of an average player.

Rising Star Game: Let's craft RSTAR DIIII Drum kit

Rising Star Game: I get discarded pizza whenever I complete a crafting mission.(discarded pizza should be exchangeable).

How To Become A Superstar Player On Rising Star Game.

Rising Star Game: Just Achieved A New Milestone By Completing 400 Missions.

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