Playing with fire

Hello my photography-loving friends, today I have another theme for you. The name is actually "Playing with fire" and it is funny how we all get negative thoughts about this. Metaphorically, "playing with fire" can refer to actions that involve taking risks or engaging in behaviors that have the potential to result in negative consequences. For example, someone might be "playing with fire" if they are engaging in reckless or dangerous behavior that could harm themselves or others. It can also refer to situations where someone is taking risks or pushing boundaries that could result in negative consequences, such as taking on a high-stakes business deal or engaging in an illicit relationship. But not this time. These player is skillful with fire and simply watching him was a true joy.


This performance is actually called fire dancing aka fire spinning. Fire dancing is a type of performance art that involves manipulating objects that are on fire. It's a highly visual and dramatic form of entertainment that can captivate audiences of all ages. Fire dancing is often performed at events such as festivals, concerts, and parties. I caught this one actually on the beach and later I found out that this is quite popular here in Thailand.



The practice of fire dancing can be traced back to ancient cultures around the world. Fire has long been considered a powerful symbol of transformation and purification, and fire dancing was often used in spiritual or religious ceremonies. In more recent times, fire dancing has evolved into a more recreational activity and is often associated with circus arts and flow arts.


Fire dancers typically use a variety of tools such as poi, staffs, hoops, and fans that are specially designed for use with fire. These tools are made from materials that can withstand high temperatures, such as Kevlar wicks or metal tubing. The performer dips the wicks or ends of the tools in fuel and then ignites them, creating a flame that can be used to create intricate patterns and movements.


One common type of fuel used by fire dancers is called white gas, which is also known as camp fuel or naphtha. This is a highly flammable liquid that is commonly used for camping stoves and lanterns, and it burns cleanly and with a bright flame. White gas is often used for fire poi, fire staffs, and other tools that are spun or twirled through the air.

Another common fuel used by fire dancers is lamp oil, which is a liquid oil that is commonly used for oil lamps and lanterns. This fuel burns at a lower temperature and produces a softer flame, which can be useful for tools such as fire fans and fire hoops that are held close to the body.

In addition to white gas and lamp oil, other types of fuels that are sometimes used by fire dancers include ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, and kerosene.


Fire dancing requires a great deal of skill and practice to perform safely. Fire dancers must be aware of the dangers of working with fire and take precautions to avoid injury. This includes wearing protective clothing, practicing in a safe area, and having a safety plan in case of emergencies.





Overall, fire dancing is a unique and exciting form of performance art that combines athleticism, creativity, and a healthy respect for the power of fire. Whether you're a performer or a spectator, watching a fire dance performance can be an unforgettable experience.



For me, it was unforgettable for sure. Later, I saw many other dancers, and ironically this one was the best I have ever seen. Look like I was lucky and landed on a real PRO. If yo are dancing with fire or playing with fire, be careful and enjoy the moment.




Thank you very much for your attention and support. Without you, my camera would rest in the corner. See you next time with another theme.
Stay blessed


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