Kamarela, what a place!


This is a post I've been looking forward to share with you and finally now is the time! It is from our island hopping tour this fall and it is at a tiny little island called Antikythira. Tiny means indeed tiny, it has less than 20 inhabitants. The landscape is wild and apart from a few meters beach and a small port, the rest of the seaside is unapproachable.

In the western part of this steep coastline, there is beach, a place of pure earthy beauty where the rocks and the sea confront each other sometimes in a mild way but mainly in a wild way.

Locals consider it the gem of their island and it is indeed a powerful site full of energy.

Can you spot @fotostef in the photo below? He has become one with the landscape :)

There is a path, or better said a stairway, going down to Kamarela.


Markos, as usually in new places, had lost any control :) This terrain is his favorite and he is very good at it as well. I couldn't get a photo of him climbing on the cliff but in the one below you can see his naughty look and the spark in the eyes! Of course, he got up and down a few times before I actually reach the sea level :)

Already having a taste from above.



Outside the bay of Kamarela the sea is deep blue and I am peeping through this cave.


The beach is like a setting from another planet. The combination of grey and yellowish rocks, the fallen stones create a alien scenery.
We spent some time there taking photos and wandering.



Walking a bit further on big rocks, there is a second bay. I don't know what you think, but I find it breathtaking!

The different shades of the sea and the light getting softer as the sun was getting ready to set.




This exit gives you a sense of freedom.
Just looked for it on Google maps, if we could see land that would be Malta, but this is very very far away :)


My fellow travelers :)



Time to go up again!



Thank you so much for reading :)

All the pictures and the words are mine.

If you would like to know more about me this is my introduction post.

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