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the taste of memories every time I go... those pork ribs

In the past, I used to go alone and eat roast beef.

It was a very friendly house, but after receiving more and more attention, it appeared on the Facebook channel.

It went viral once, but now it has become a crowded and difficult to set up house.

I wonder if the charm of the cottage is fading.

Running a long-established shop shows Aida that experience is important.

It's a place that is still in business, having held receptions since the old days.

Anyway, I wondered which restaurant to go to for dinner when I was craving pork ribs, and after a long time I went to Daeji House.



Beomildong comes after a long time

From Yoga Friend to Jang Dong-gu

Bad Case of Loving You The place where I ran around Aingyo


Domestic Ibaekkuram


Good price, good every Sunday, every day of the week...

It is possible to have a drink during the day


When you ask they pile up

From Ssam

it's already warming up

Ahhh, that's why I come to a long-established shop.

These days, when I go to a franchise, they give me three sesame leaves.


remains the same

on a plate of stew

As if it were chic, as if it were sincere

Pork ribs rolled up in omiljomil




It's not coming from the donuts.

Aaah, pigs are all on the same line


The eternal companion of pork ribs

Take a picture with the palm of your hand

holding the neck up to the sky

Water kimchi is the best thing to eat on the way down.


One of the garnish kicks

Potato kick!

this is absolutely perfect

Baked potatoes in margarine


What's here

rest area

Should I take a break?

The taste of being afraid and wanting to rest


I don't know because I have not been in this house during the day.

In the past, when I came during the day, I would cut the meat myself and spread it out.

It goes like this

They were real ribs, not meat attached, but it was really nice to see.

A rich man sitting next to each other and cutting meat.


I don't know

Over a moderately well-done fire

throw the meat away

The chemistry between the hot plate and the meat.

More than any other chemistry in the world.

Beautiful chemistry at the end.

Chiiik There's an orchestra fight coming up


Finally, I cut the knife well.

From the sincerity of trimming the meat.

It's already tasty so it doesn't burn

If you hit the DB right, it's game over.



working hard

The mission of the colour brown

I am afraid... I'm on a mission to make people turn.


not to burn


If you turn around and put on a straight face...

Whoa~ I hear your meat is well cooked.

That's how I use it today.


duende is

as much as the strike

I don't feel right

It's a green bottle for this.

It's a green bottle without gas...


It is beautiful

Of course, the beautiful colour.

The fat is moderately distributed.

It has a firm texture.


Shinto fire

you are right

unconditionally right

That's right!


What a mess

Jihwaja Jota

It's moderately sweet, but the salty taste is definitely weak.

I'm sorry


For reference, this seasoning is

There is a slight difference every time.

One day, I didn't like this house, so I went joa

One day, why this house is so sweet, but this is the old taste hahaha.

Anyway, within the range of not disgusting, within the range of very delicious sweetness.

Follow me

What they have in common is that they are neither salty nor sour.

It's delicious The bottom line is

First edition coming soon

Become Thanos' finger snapping in your mouth

The second edition is now open.

It is heavy

I love this feeling

I'm hungry for a snap of fingers in my mouth


holding only chopsticks



Time to do chin-ups only

Oh, such a fun workout

where else are you




it's a day to eat

This is the virtue of pork ribs

importance of the front teeth

The taste of wanting to live that moment 10 times

also the meat

You have to pick it up, bite it and chew it.


to prevent the meat from attacking

After all, there is only rice.

I'm going to sleep

Then a raid of flying fish


The trimmings... the trimmings... the trimmings...

Forvengers that everyone will admire

you can't deny it



Buying money in that country

forget about it for a while

As expected, it's the price of being good!!!!


Add the seasoned crab paste to the soybean paste.

It tastes good when you boil it.

I added it, but the spicy taste was good, but it became sweeter.

It's not a dog smell.

I'm still eating it, but I'm so confident!



handmade with rice

Because it's raining.......

Rice in the mouth Thanos' snapping fingers

The hunt is over


Obviously it's Daejijip, but the official name is Daeji Charcoal Fire Ribs.

I don't know, I'm going to eat well

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