Bees and butterflies are eating flower nectar and several other beautiful flowers

A very sunny day, and my heart is happy to do any activity. Today I will share something special and definitely fun to read.

Hi everyone.
Do you like beautiful flower photos?
There will definitely be lots of people who like beautiful flowers. Moreover, in the photo of the flower there are flying insects that are eating the nectar of the flower.

I can't believe I can get a beautiful and interesting picture like this, I got a picture where there is a bee and a butterfly eating flower nectar, maybe this is just a coincidence. but this is the most beautiful experience for me.

Bees feed on flower nectar

It was very difficult for me to get a focused image of this bee, because this bee was very afraid of me, when I brought the camera closer to it, the bee immediately flew away.

Butterflies are feeding on flower nectar

I photographed this butterfly very easily, because it did not fly away when I moved the camera closer to it.

Sorry guys, I don't know what the fly did on the flower, maybe it went in the wrong direction.

I don't know the name of the flower. I have asked the owner about this flower, but the owner also doesn't know the name of this beautiful flower.

If you know the name of this flower. Please tell me in the comments column, I'm also curious about the name of this flower.

These aren't the only flowers I photographed today guys, I still have a few more flowers to share today.Like the unique flower that I took in front of this resident's house, I also got permission from the owner to photograph the flower.

I love this pink one.

where I live, this pink flower is called the Bungur flower, the color is very beautiful like those of you who are reading my story.

On the way home, I felt very tired and the weather was very hot. When I was singing on the road I saw flowers growing on the side of the road, the trees were like roots and had beautiful flowers like this.

I don't know what the name of this flower is, but it is definitely very beautiful.

After I took all the pictures I went home feeling satisfied. very satisfied.

These images and story are mine. I took pictures using an Infinix 10 Pro cellphone and edited the images using the Lightroom and Wink applications

Here are some pictures and a little story from me in this post, I hope you are all entertained by the pictures and stories that I present.

See you again in the next post❤

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