Rhine in autumn

It's been a long time since I've posted something from our area, and I'm happy that I can finally do it again. I've been busy with our house renovations on one hand, but on the other hand the weather has been bad in the last couple of weeks too, so I didn't really go on walks. I know my walks should not depend on the weather, but I rather stay inside when it's so gloomy.

Today, the sky cleared in the afternoon, and I left everything the way it was to go on a walk. I can remove the wallpaper later, right? I love autumn, but as we live close to the river we have thick fog almost every day. Often, we can't even see the building in front of ours, and usually we have to go to the mountains if we want to see some sunshine. It's rather depressing here, so when the weather is good I always take the opportunity to enjoy it.


As usually, I walked down the hill to the river. When I think about it, it doesn't matter which way I go I always go down the hill 😊

I've been so busy that I haven't even realized how beautiful it is outside right now. I can't explain why, but I feel like the water changes its colour to deep blue in autumn. I think it has something to do with the light though.

Recently, I'm lucky to catch planes on my photos, and I've noticed that there is one on this photo too...


I like to walk on the other side of the river as there are generally less people on that side. Most of the tourists follow the street signs and continue straight from the train station to the Rhine Falls, and not many of them realize/know that they can walk through the forest on the other side.

You can only swim at your own risk in this area as the current can be very strong and pull you down the river towards the waterfall. I used to work in this area, and once we saved a guy with my colleague from drowning. We saw him from our office struggling to get to the shore, so we ran to him with a float, and luckily he caught it and we pulled him towards us. I think he wouldn't swim here ever again. It doesn't look dangerous at first, but you never know what's happening underneath, and I would personally never swim here.

Let's cross the bridge!


We crossed the bridge, so we are in the canton Zurich now. From here, we look at Neuhausen am Rheinfall. When we moved there many years ago it was a small village, but there has been a lot of construction works in the recent years and it became a town. You can see some of those new buildings on this photo.


I didn't go on a walk to show you the buildings, but to show you how beautiful it is, so let's enjoy the nature 😊

BTW, there is another plane here.


When we drive to The Netherlands we cross the Rhine in Germany, and if we didn't know it was the Rhine we wouldn't believe it. It's a different river! It's crystal clear where we live, but by the time it gets there it becomes brown and dirty. I always keep photos in my phone to show the Rhine to our friends in The Netherlands.


Many trees are still green even though it's the end of October. I think it's because we had a lot of rain this summer, and it wasn't really hot either, so their season is longer this year. Of course, there are other trees with their leaves already yellow/orange/or red.





I love when there are leaves on the ground, that's autumn for me. It looks similar in our garden at the moment, but we will have to clean it, so that nobody slips and break a leg.


Days are shorter already and the light becomes soft early in the afternoon...


I was expecting to see many mushrooms because there is not so much light on this side and it's been raining a lot, but I didn't see any except of these white ones. And there were only a few of them.


We'll cross this bridge to get back to the canton Schaffhausen...


Another plane here - I had no idea there were so many planes flying above our town in such a short time!


Up, up, up before going back down to the river...


I was looking for a place with yellow leaves, but didn't find it, so those dry leave will have to be enough 😊


I have to remind myself to look up from time to time, and it is always worth it...


And we're already on the bridge to the other side...

The current here is powerful as we're right next to the waterfall! Some people feel uncomfortable here and you see them walking close to the railing further from the water, but then they freak out anyway because a train can come anytime, and they don't slow down here.


Be ready for the train anytime 😊

It's not the best photo as it goes fast...


You can walk on the other side down to the waterfall...


I've learned not to look down as it's not good for my stomach 😊


It might not look like it, but it was a long walk, and it was time to go back to my wallpaper. I have a deadline, so can't spend too much time away, but it was good to go out and don't think about the renovation.

See you next time!

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