Hoodoo you see

One of my favorite winter photography experiences has been seeing snow among the red hoodoos (i.e. tall, thin spires of rock) of Bryce Canyon.

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The photo above looks like a daylight photo, but is actually a 2 minute exposure taken at night - the full moon that night was powerful enough to light up the canyon covered in fresh snow. Once I saw a forecast that a pretty big snow storm is going to hit Bryce Canyon I drove there to wait out the storm and be ready for a clearing. The forecast had it clear around sunrise and as I was getting ready to go to sleep early to wake up for sunrise I went outside to clear my car of some of the snow that accumulated in the last few hours to save time in the morning. To my surprise not only did it stop snowing, but I could see the moon rising among breaking clouds. I made my way to the park as quickly as possible in the snow-covered roads and ran to this spot to capture this scene. About 30 minutes later the sky was completely covered and it started snowing again.

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Ant this is a similar scene, but captured during a very cold sunrise the following morning.

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