The colourful autumn

Each season brings something. So does the autumn, even if not one of my favourite seasons. Spring is refreshing, summer is relaxing. Autumn is transitioning, winter is freezing. But each one unique.


The nice side of the autumn brings sunny days and colourful nature, many leaves coloured in many different nuances. Just before they fall, they are still making their last performance, saying goodbye until the spring.



Even if days are shorter and life tends to feel busier and quicker, there’s a brief moment to stop and observe the colours surrounding our environment. Small details, yet often passing unobserved or unappreciated.



Life feels more colourful if we let ourselves be amazed by something so regular and small, yet so spectacular and grandiose.



Seasons of our life. As one has life seasons too. When we are born we live our spring, growing and flourishing, feeling energised and hyperactive, awakening and being curious about everything new. Then we live our summer, the best years of our life, feeling happy and relaxing, appreciating the moments we have even more and where days seem to last forever. As we proceed, there we encounter our autumn, getting slowed down, having shorter days that seem to pass quicker, but in a calmer and a more peaceful way. Further away, if we are lucky enough, we arrive at our last season, when we live winter, sunny, but cold, with some bad weather too and days shorter and shorter.



Each season brings something new, be it a path, hope, wisdom or acceptance. So, let’s enjoy the moment and stop briefly to look at small details surrounding us, even if just simple as that, colourful leaves to colour our life.



There we are, like leaves in our own life, being pushed by the wind to make our life journey.

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