Windmill of the Priest


I looked out of the window only to see that one more gloriously sunny day was expecting us. Any work we could do, was already done and the fields were calling us for a walk to the familiar paths around the village. We chose the route that goes to the "Windmill of the Priest", which is nothing more than an old windmill, out of use, that was owned by a priest. Now it is donated to the community and features among the village's points of interest. And although it's not so interesting itself, the hike to go there is lovely. Especially on a sunny, clear day like this!





The day was the 13th of November and since we started our trip on the first day of the month, it was the 13th day of our trip too. Nothing had gone as planned but after two weeks on the move, we decided that there was nothing to do rather than go with the flow and just deal with things on their own time. So today it was a day for walking and enjoying the view that we hadn't seen for a while!







Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 10.55.10 AM.png

Obviously we didn't need a map to go there but i thought it would be nice to add a screenshot of google maps for you :)

The windmill had a new set of wings and a metal door that blocked the entrance. I guess someone felt that it was necessary. Not a big deal, anyway there is nothing inside worth seeing. And our canine friend was eager to keep on moving. He grew up in that village and he was thrilled to run loose all over the place! His life in the town now, involves a lot of walking with the leash and he is having a hard time to compromise with the new status :)





We returned home sweaty but content. Amazed by the extended summer. Who could have told us that one month later, a few days before Christmas we would still be swimming in the sea and there would be no signs of actual winter in the horizon!

But I shouldn't rush, we'll get to that later :)




This was the ninth part of our trip from Nafplio to Crete, in order to harvest our olives and visit the places and the people that formed our daily life for almost a decade. It lasted from the first of November till the fifth of December and it was totally different from whatever we anticipated.

Below are the links of the previous posts or you can just visit my blog and scroll down.

  1. Just be patient

  2. A matter of minutes

  3. Just on my way!

  4. Indeed magnificent

  5. Hope dies last

  6. An unexpected gift

  7. Point and shoot

  8. Unfinished business

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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