the bridge

it is no wonder that the Helgelands Bridge won several prizes for design and has been voted Norway's most beautiful bridge

it was very popular when it opened because it connected the island Alsta with the mainland eliminating the need for ferries to cross the Leirfjord. it was so popular that someone decided to build a bunch of exclusive cottages right underneath. now the concept of luxury living crowded under a bridge was a hard sell, so in a bizarre turn of events most of the empty cottages were used as temporary housing for an influx of Albanian refugees in the community.

anyway the bridge is a sight to behold from any angle in any weather. i took this series on three separate occasions with varying conditions

but the bridge is so slender that it gets closed during violent storms and hurricanes which are not rare. good thing they fenced in the top of the tower.

right underneath there's a good fishing spot

all the shots so far are taken standing on the ground from the Leirfjord township side of the bridge

but bridges are for crossing. i took the rest of this series from inside the car in traffic. luckily, i was not the driver!

it was toll financed

but once it was paid off in 2005 the toll was removed making the bridge even more cherished

and the view even more exalted

approaching from the Alsta/Sandnessjøen side reveals how nicely the bridge blends into the landscape

check it out if you get the chance.

Samsung S22 phone
some photos are edited either on the camera itself or with the free version of photoshop

this is the eighth post in a series of photos i took in Leirfjord, Norway in the end of August
links to previous ones:


more to come

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