let's go fishing

it's a beautiful day. let's go fishing

it didn't take much convincing to get everybody out on the water

at this end of Leirfjorden there are three small rivers emptying into the fjord. the fish can be anywhere in the fjord but a good place to start fishing for them is where the nutrient-rich fresh water flows into it.

hindavi enjoying herself in Leirfjord

we come in close to shore, turn off the motor and drop the lines just above the bottom.

the camera automatically finds this mountain. i can't figure out why.

out in the middle of the fjord we change tactics, pick up a little speed and keep the bait shallow.

before long we get company keeping a sharp eye on whatever we catch..

over by the opposite shore

the other evening i saw this shack and boat from the road but couldn't get up close

i realize not everybody finds this kind of thing attractive but to me it has far more character and authentic charm than many of the pretentious fiberglass yachts that frequent our area in the summer

the shack's roof is missing a metal sheet so i thought a lot of water had come in and it must be in bad shape inside. but i was reassured to see the owners had taken such care to patch it with some asphalt roofing. 😉

back to land, @hindavi is showing off a mackerel and a codfish we will enjoy for dinner.

i took these shots on my Samsung S22 phone
they are edited either on the phone itself or in the free version of photoshop or both.

this is the thirteenth post in a series of photos i took in Leirfjord, Norway at the end of August.
links to previous ones:

more to come

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