Time for a flush


With my plants getting ready for flower, I figured today was the perfect day to flush the soil and let them soak up some natural sunrays. I have never actually flush my plants before, which is pretty lazy on my part. I am going to try and do this a few more times before they are ready for harvest.

The main reason to flush your plants is to get rid of excess nutrients that didn't get soaked up by your plant. If there is a buildup of nutrients in the soil, it can become acidic, which has happened to a few of my plants.

I also took the time to clean up my tent a bit and spray the inside down with Dr Zynes to kill off any gnats that are in there. I also soaked the pots with Dr Zynes while they are outside to prevent any gnats from playing around on them.

I left the backdoor open while I was outside and it didn't take long for the cats to come outside and explore. Rusty and Keichii were the first ones to come outside. Sophie stayed close to the door and the furthest she made it was just a few steps out on the deck before she got scared and retreated back inside.

I am going to be letting my plants soak up the sun for a few more hours before I bring them back inside. Hopefully they like being outside and getting some natural sunshine and it helps them grow big and strong. My gorilla glue is really beginning to stretch, while the bubblegum and northern lights just get wider. They should begin their preflower stretch pretty soon. I think they are going to be some great looking plants this time around.

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