Let's grow mushrooms


Last round didn't work out


A couple months ago, I tried growing some mushrooms. I bought some all in one bags that were supposed to make growing mushrooms extremely easy. They would have worked if they weren't contaminated from the supplier. Contamination is something you grow to expect when trying to grow mushrooms and you do everything you can to prevent it, but when the grain you get is contaminated before it gets to you, there isn't much you can do except start back at square one.


Psychedelic mushrooms can be a religious and very important experience for someone. They have completely changed my life and helped me in so many ways. So when I found out there was a religion centered on these sacred medicines, I wanted to look more into it.

I recently joined the religious group The Divine Assembly and began researching more into the benefits of these mushrooms and how to grow them. The Divine Assembly believes that psilocybin mushrooms are a sacrament that allows you to commune with the Divine. I have had some really great religious experiences while on these substances and have really found out a lot about myself and who I am.


One of the cool parts of this group is that they help you with growing your own sacrament so that you can have these religious experiences and better your life. They offer a really inexpensive grow kit to get into growing and I decided to buy it. It comes with everything you need to begin growing. The big thing I was excited for was the grain jars. They are pretty much a fool proof way to inoculate grain spawn and I am looking forward to creating my own grain jars and learning to be more independent when it comes to growing.


These grain jars have self healing injection ports on them to make inoculation super easy. The kit comes with extra ports that you can install on the jars before you reuse them in the future. The kit also comes with all the cleaning supplies and PPE to keep your stuff free from contamination.


After gloving up and wiping down everything with alcohol, it was time to open the spore syringes. They included two syringes of B+ mushroom spores. The B+ strain is a great strain for beginners because it is more forgiving when it comes to humidity and temperature differences. It is a great overall strain and some people call it "Be Positive" because it gives you feelings of overall optimism and positivity.

Psychedelic mushrooms are known to give you a connected feeling to others and the world around you. They interact with your serotonin receptors and you can have some really great spiritual experiences while on them that can be transformative for your life.


After shaking the spore syringes to break up the spore clumps inside, I attached the needles and injected one full syringe into each jar. Now it is a waiting game. For the next 3-4 weeks, I will leave the jars in my pantry where it is dark and stays about 70 degrees or so. During that time, the spores from the syringes will turn into mycelium that will spread throughout the jar and feed on the grain.

Once the jars are completely white from the mycelium, it will then be time to move onto the next steps in the process which include opening the jars and mixing the mycelium into the containers where they will grow on the substrate mixture. It takes around 2-3 months for the process to be complete. Then the real fun begins when I can enjoy the fruits of my labor.

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