I love colorful buds

White Widow
White Widow
Purple Haze
Purple Haze

One of the coolest parts about growing cannabis is the different looks and colors of each individual strain. It is really cool how these strains can be similar during their vegetative stage, but once they begin flower, each plant can really take on its own look.

I think the extended winter we have had here has caused a lot of the purple colors to really come out and now that the leaves are losing their green color, the purple is really beginning to stand out. I can't wait to see how these buds look once they are all trimmed and cured.

Each plant also has its own distinct smell. The white widow is sweet smelling but the AK47 has a strong skunk smell. I think the AK47 is really pushing my air filtration system to the max. The six in exhaust fan was a recent addition to the tent and I think it was a smart choice because I don't think the four inch fan would have been able to circulate and clean as much air as what I would have needed to keep the smell down.

I have started working on my "How To Grow" series and the first post should be done soon. The first in the series will be somewhat of getting started with growing post which will include all the stuff needed to have a successful grow. I am hoping that it will be an informative series for everyone here on Hive and I hope that we can see some new faces in the cannabis community. Growing has been one of the best things for my life and I think it can help so many more people.

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