Magic Fountain, Giant Cacti, Old Cathedral and More | Street Photography in Barcelona


I've only stayed in Barcelona for 4 days but the experience was so rich and we visited many amazing places, so the chronicles have to continue. We might have one more post to finish it up.

It wasn't my first idea for a travel destination but friends talked me into it and I'm so glad they did. I would happily go back for a month just to walk around the city and shoot street photography. It's perfect for it, especially the narrow streets and old buildings of gothic quarter. I can only imagine how they look in the morning light, with lonesome passers-by coming through. Well, I'm sure I'll revisit it some day.

In this one we are exploring some well known locations. One of them is a Magic fountain - in here you'll recognize it in the photos taken at night time. When we arrived there by metro we were bummed to see that it is - temporarily closed due to drought. It's a way to conserve water locally. You can see in the first photo the view of the city from the elevated area where there is a museum of national art and national palace. The fountain is below where you see the four columns and at night it's a visual spectacle of light and colors. Well, to entertain the many visitors in the absence of the fountain, there was a local street musician playing well known songs on the keyboard and doing it very well. Everyone sat down on the stairs and enjoyed the performance.

In the first few photos you can see the cacti and rare trees from the Montjuic cacti park. It sits on the hill overlooking the Mediterranean sea, you can see a lady sleeping on the bench in the hot sun. Hot day made me enjoy this destination the least, it was probably just a wrong timing. Prior to that we were on the Barceloneta beach - as you get closer to the sea the wind goes crazy. And at 17 degrees celsius it gets quite chilly. So we didn't get to do much sunbathing this time although our noses and faces were starting to turn red.

The last landmark I'm showing here is the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar, also known as Cathedral of La Ribera. It's built in a beautiful, pure gothic style in 14th century. It only took 55 years to be finished and if you are a lover of books there is a best seller one that sets place entirely during the construction of the church - it's called "Cathedral on the Sea" (I have it on my shelf for 10 years but haven't yet gotten to it).

There you go, I hope you enjoy this second-to-last episode from our trip and hopefully you got the glimpse of the beauty this city holds. Until next time.
















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