Little Fluffy Clouds




I'm all outta words, words, words right now. Still fuckin' tired, y'know.

p.s. I am who I say I am. What I share is authentic life experience. I never lie (intentionally). Unless otherwise stated, all my stories are 100 percent factual and real. And so am I.

Hard to imagine in an online world.

I know.

Especially if you grew up later than the rise and now possible fall of all this tech shit. And the utter bullshit that comes with it, if you haven't had the good fortune of finding out who you are without it.


You can be whoever you like around here. Whoop de doo. Feel free. Be my guest. Enjoy the ride.


I am who I say I am these days.


But I've had enough of all these words, words, words for a while.

Except know this about me now, please.

I'm really patient and forgiving.

Until I'm not.

I'm really kind and compassionate. But that doesn't a fuck mean I allow ignorance or outright stupidity to walk all over me.

I am able to love unconditionally. Knowing when to detach and do this from a distance.

I care and have a social conscience. But I've stepped outside of social norms far enough, and for long enough, to no longer be manipulated by a general consensus that is generally off the mark entirely these days anyway... lets face it.

In short. I am not you, your pre-conceived ideas or your past experience. And I'm too tired to carry that for you at this point in my life.

So don't even.

In addition, I was born way, way before the internet.

This alone gives me some (other) learning some of y'all may never get to experience. It is what it is.

From here then...

On we go.

Respectfully nobody's but my own free self always and forever...

Believe Like it or not.

Nicky Dee

ā¤ļø to some of you and up yours until you wake up to the rest


Some fluffy white clouds fer y'all from the beach that's five minutes away from the place I'm renting for now after all that true story and nah... I'm not being dramatic or exaggerating because I have tits and a vagina happened for realises.

Nice to finally "meet" you at last. ahem


But let's keep it fluffy until we're all fully recovered from the last bit.

Some clouds for ya. Not the smoking kinda clouds. The don't forget to look up kinda clouds...


I Choose Life




Oh... smoking over for real. Done and dusted but not gettin' cocky because we all know how that generally pans out, right?

On the sign at the entrance to the beach. Gotta love that synchronicty, huh?






Celebrating #travellighttuesday by laying down:

  1. Stupid habits that mess my health up
  2. Other people's baggage in full now and it rocks!


Throwing in some tunes because I just dig @ablaze 's #threetunetuesday, and his actual cool human, vibe in full. And music. Of course.

Celebrating "clean time"! šŸ‘‡šŸ»

Tune! šŸ‘‡šŸ» šŸ”„ šŸ’„

Us šŸ‘‡šŸ» šŸ˜˜

Bonus - No school like old school and the title of this post šŸ‘‡šŸ» ā¤ļø


Actual love and not the flaky, fluffy kind.

The fierce and full on kind.

Keep on keeping on.

Respect šŸ«µšŸ»


Okay. I'm off to go for a run on that there beach now.

I have COPD.

What's your excuse?


Eternal Seeker
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer


Beyond fear is freedom

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee


All images not directly sourced are my own.

Freedom of speech is a deal breaker.


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