It's More or Less the Best #44

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The Minimalist community presents It's More or Less the Best, a curation compilation highlighting some outstanding blogs published over the past week.

These selected authors shared their personal stories and views on different aspects of their minimalist lifestyle, giving some insight into what the style of living involves.

This compilation is presented to help shine the spotlight on the selected posts, with the hope that you will take a look at them in case you missed any.

Outstanding Minimalists Blogs in no particular order.

Underconsumption Is Bad For The Economy


✨"What really made this core cringe is how some influencers went overboard with it. I watched a video where a girl looks like using expired makeup. People showing shoes with holes and even shirts with holes just to show that they are better than anyone. Reusing the same dress and bags - these are just normal things, that’s what normal people do!" @macchiata

Loneliness and silence.


✨"The way I stay away from people is a huge thing for me. There are times my Mom finds it hard to know if I am home or not because I am always indoors, something she didn't fancy much about me. She has begged me and spoke to me on numerous occasions to always go out and see the world, but I am not like that. I do not enjoy human companionship unless I am having a one on one discussion with someone. I prefer that." @balikis95

Cultivating Mindfulness Through Simple Practices.


✨"The atmosphere, quietness, breathing exercise, and pace walking always have great influence, and they ease my transition into the mindful state. Sometimes, I listen to podcasts to keep my concentration at its peak, and there are times I just want to listen to everything playing in my mind, even though I wouldn't make any decision with those pops up." @george-dee

I Feel Calmer Alone


✨"Family's a little different - my sister's family and my parents are my people. I could hang out with them all day. They aren't energy vampires. I don't feel less than or sapped when I'm with them. I feel appreciated and loved when I'm with them - I don't need to second guess their motives or feel any performance anxiety in their presence." @riverflows

Pause. Breathe. Smile.


✨"My answer is that in line with the principle of mental decluttering, and self-appreciation, I just owe it to myself to be mindful. With my thoughts, the things I say and do. To pause and count my words. To think carefully before acting. To still my mind and breathe when my head gets clogged up. At this point I’m just swinging it, cause I’m pretty sure I don’t have it completely together." @jhymi



✨"For the fact that I know that misusing my electricity wasn’t helping the globe and even my pocket, so I quickly started making sure I used my prepaid credit very well by putting off the light when not in use, same goes for every other thing. I couldn’t stop all at once because as they say, ’old habits die hard”. And besides that, living around maximalists made matters worse as they don’t care about such things." @hopestylist

If It Ain't Broken


✨"I think this definitely goes to a mindset. There is such an unnecessary consumerist mindset in the world today. They are trying to make everything disposable, everything planned obsolescence so that we have to keep buying shit. It's a real shame, because it's fueled largely by greed and corporatism." @cmplxty

My Younger Self, A Light On Your Path.


✨"I forced a lot of things, but despite everything, life won because growth came for me in the least expected ways and places, but the good thing was that I had prepared myself ahead of time. While everything life had in plan for me began to manifest, I realized that delay truly isn't denial, which is another thing my younger self must understand." @george-dee

Better Late Than Never


✨"The first would be to tell myself about the dangers of external validation through material possessions. I’d tell her that material possessions is no determinant of her worth as a person. That self-worth comes from within." @jhymi

10 Years, No Bed- Ask Me Anything About Sleeping on the Floor


✨"The funny thing is that because I was so used to sleeping on the floor at some point in life, when I stayed at hotels with extremely comfy beds and luxury, I ended up sleeping on the floor. I would put the blanket and everything and opt to sleep on the floor and somehow I felt a lot comfortable that way." @macchiata

Please observe our updated community rules

Some additional tips

🔸 The community encourages authors to engage and build rapport with other team members by leaving meaningful comments.

🔸 If possible we recommend that authors try to use original photos taken by you. Photos count toward the possibility of your post being curated.

🔸 Just a reminder that the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas is presented with ideas on topics to write about and to help you to structure your blogs, they are not meant to be questionnaires for you to list information and publish.

🔸 The presentation of your blog goes a long way and sharing aspects of your lives and your personal stories and experiences should be a lot more than a list that can be found in various places over the web.

🔸 You do not need to wait or only blog in response to the prompts provided. You're free to share any aspect of your minimalist lifestyle at any time.

Thank you for checking out the #MoreOrLessTheBest Curation Compilation presented by The Minimalist. This is the new official community account, where the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas and all community events and activities will be published.
I invite you all to get involved and share your stories about minimalism, and perhaps you would like to invite someone.

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Cover photo belongs to Milly

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