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Why I love(d) Hive / Steemit (Part 1) - why I stayed and started here - as of guys like Kevin and Music

Eine kleine Serie, wie und warum ich auf dieser Blockchain gelandet bin im Jahre 2016

...und warum ich überhaupt noch immer hier bin unabhängig diverser Widerstände, ich bleibe hier - ich fange mal an mit Musik

Not a post about Sven Väth - but a bit about Keving Wong

Starting a series why I am here, how it started and what I bleived and tried (just part one).

Apart from the great guys in Germany that welcomed me on Steemit at that time and helped me to understand blockchain and this new thing, there been some other guys that made me stay and made my thrilled by the potential of the blockchain as such. One was @steevc who brang me over from a different platform called "tsu" - the other one who i had frequent contact early days (sure he might not even remember me) was @kevinwong. He was one of the few that wanted to support my naive ideas on music on this blockchain back in 2016 - I thought we could create mix parties on the chain with certain live things which were a bit too much for this new concept (still is). My first DanceWeekend parties where I mixed and encouraged other user to show their tracks still been one of my killer experiences why I fell in love with that blockchain community.

So Kevin was one of the reasons I created my music community here as well (did some on web 2 platform) and even he left and came back and we have no deep relation / contact I aprreciate him for being helpful, he used to be a big whales, a witness but is for sure someone you have to folloow, he knows blockchain, he knows business and he is nice - we should have more of these folks here on Hive - sadly too many good creators were driven away.

Am proud about my music community that is still driven by lovely folks from around the world

Appreciate all you do for the chain and the community - it is a hard time these in crypto but your loyality strikes me every day - no matter if i should be crying you guys lift me up. I hope music as building bridges will reflect also on others here instead of destorying bridges between cultures and different opinions. I will fight for this as long as I can. Many thanks to my fellow music guys driving the community such as @ylich @eugelys @edwardstobia and the music folks that always inspired by their lovely attitude and a brilliant taste of sounds such as @mammasitta and @edje - the guys tagged will get their won part of the series soon not only around music.

Watch out for the next part around music here and my story in general - it might become a bible :-)

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