Have you ever “woke up on the wrong side of the bed”, felt unlucky, or got bothered by something you normally wouldn’t have?

I think we all have.

It’s part and parcel for what’s called the “human condition”. Feeling those feelings isn’t a “bad thing”, so to speak though. At least it doesn’t have to be!

It’s just information. Valuable, because you can use it to intelligently inform your life’s decisions.

Being in tune, rather than out of touch with what your thinking or feeling under the surface can feel uncomfortable at times... especially these sorts of times when it seems like nothing makes sense anymore... but if you can move through that feeling your going to realize what an opportunity awaits you on the other side!

Rich experiences come to those who are mindful enough to recognize them for what they are!

So next time your feeling frustrated, infuriated, flabbergasted, and just plain foiled... stop what your doing, refocus your energy, center your mind, and shift your perspective!

Going from a negative to a positive state of mind can happen in a snap... Why is that? Because it’s all based around perception!

Taking another look at the situation may reveal something completely different than at first glance! Your original knee jerk reaction might be coloured by a multitude of different shadows!

But that’s what makes life so interesting! A new perspective can reinvent your future... and it could be as simple as a simple shift in thinking that could unleash a cascade of positivity!

You just never know... until you take another look right?

We are all a mixture of light and shadow. That’s what makes life perceptible rather than unconsciously insignificant and meaningless!

Ponder this... when your looking into the light... can you even see the shadows?

Positivity is 10X as powerful as negativity ever will be. Yes! We want to be grounded realists... we don’t want to have our “heads in the clouds”... but neither do we want to dampen life by thinking to the opposite extreme.

The light of truth lies somewhere in between those two drastic extreme of state.

Turning your back on the shadows of the depressive state... making up your mind that depression is a luxury you can’t afford to pay for... that’s the sort of positivity worth struggling for!

Keep moving towards your dreams and goals everyone! Leave fear behind and press on with bravery and courage no matter how high the waves in you life might be right now!

Stay the course and the storm will subside! Keep true to you and believe in a bright future... and one day you will find yourself standing in wonder, the blackest night long forgotten.

Here’s to all of you warriors out there on the Hive Blockchain! Stand up and be counted! You guys and girls are amazing! I see that every single week! And that’s how I know... I’m building my future in the right place with the right people!

Thank you all for being so bright!

The darker it gets out there... the brighter we can shine.

Hive is a beacon after all so let’s all continue to put out the positive sunbeams! ☀️

Fitness Entrepreneur
Certified Personal Trainer


And the creative mind behind the Win System & the #HighFive Initiative!

Today’s #AutomaticWin

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

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