#hasil2020 :: Progress Update - June 2020


Time to review my progress so far with my goals set for this year as part of the #hasil2020 challenge hosted by @davidke20 and @victoria-bella.
I am not sure if this challenge is still running but I think I will keep going for as long as it is possible until it ends in November considering these are my personal goals. I hope things are working out for the both of you.

Here is a recap of my targets for 2020 from my earlier post and my current progress:

Earning targets

1: To reach 2500 HP by November 2020
Status: Achieved
End of Mar 2020: my SP is 2015 and HP is 2017 including delegated SPs and HPs.
End of Apr 2020: my SP is 2066 and HP is 2273 including delegated SPs and HPs.
End of May 2020: my SP is 2113 and HP is 2368 including delegated SPs and HPs.
End of June 2020: my SP is 2121 and HP is 2507 including delegated SPs and HPs.

My updated target:
To achieve 2300 SP and 3000 HP by November 2020

2: Post at least once everyday
Status: Achieved
I posted everyday, and I thank Actifit for giving me a reason to.

Health-for-well-being targets

3: Workout at minimum 2 times a week, 30 minutes each time >> whether on land or in water.
Status: Achieved
I am achieving this through house chores mostly. But I am restarting my Yoga at home. The swimming pool is still out of the question.

4: Achieve 50K steps every week
Status: Achieved
My weekly step counts in the month of June continues to be above 50K.

June 1-7: 82,045
June 8-14: 75,186
June 15-21: 76,425
June 22-28: 63,340

5: Less junkfood
Status: Achieved
I had fries in 2 days during the month from Nandos and Chilis. Other than that, it was ice cream occasionally :)

Hobbies-for-the-soul targets

6: Needlework
Status: Achieved
I have been able to present my needlework projects every Monday in the month of June, except for 1 week. But it is all good.

7: Music - To learn to play the keyboard this year - at the very least, to learn to play 1 song.
Status: Missed
I continued to put this aside but I am playing my guitar back :)

8: Art - To get back to my amateur drawing and colouring this year - I am setting myself a target of 1 artwork per half yearly.
Status: Missed
Not started yet :(

9: Baking - I set myself 1 baking every half yearly.
Status: Achieved
I have achieved this target in March and I continued baking in April and in June too. Happy bake, happy heart although the result wasn't as described in the recipe.

I have achieved 7 goals and missed 2 goals. I hope to work on the goals I missed and continue with the ones I achieved.

There is power in writing things down.

I am grateful for this challenge because for the first time, I am in touch with my goals for the year and am motivated to move myself to work towards my goals. Thank you @davideke20 and @victoria-bella!


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Earlier posts

This report was published via Actifit app (Andoid | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,House Chores

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