#hasil2020 :: My Goals for 2020

In the past 2 weeks, I wrote in my Looking Back/Look Forward post that I am setting some targets for myself this year and @wakeupkitty invited me to join @davidke20 and @victoria-bella's #hasil2020 challenge for this year. I think this is the latest update post from @davidke20 regarding #hasil2020, in case you would like to know more about it but checking #hasil2020 will bring you to the latest posts by all who are participating.

For this challenge to work, we will need to provide an update on the first week of every month - which makes a lot of sense to keep us on our toes.

If you are wondering what is hasil...


hasil2020 would be translated to theresults2020?

It is an interesting call to action and as the saying goes, there is power in writing things down.

Here are my targets for 2020 and since I am kinda late for submission, I include my January update in there as well:

STEEM targets

1: To reach 2000 SP by end of November 2020 >> My current SP is: 1,715, including delegated SPs. Injecting some realistic measurements, 300 SPs in 11 months (as the challenge ends in November 2020) would mean I need to earn about 28 SPs in a month, about 7 SPs a week, which brings me to my second target below.

2: Post at least once everyday >> In order to earn 10 SPs a week, I need to post everyday, some days more than one post and this is achievable by being active in the many communities and contests available here.
Jan 2020 update ~ I have been posting everyday! Yay! I have completed 21 posts so far since January 1, 2020.

Health-for-well-being targets

3: Workout at minimum 2 times a week, 30 minutes each time >> whether on land or in water.
Jan 2020 update ~ I wrote about this in my last week's Looking Back/Look Forward 2.30 post and I have managed to workout twice last week and thrice this week.

4: Achieve 50K steps every week >> I was initially going for 10K a day but I do not want to pressure myself too much and would like some rest on some days. I will start with 50K a week first and thanks to Fitbit, this step count is easy to track.
Jan 2020 update ~ According to my Fitbit weekly progress report for last week, I have achieved:

5: Less junkfood >> Like @wakeupkitty said, don't buy them! Self discipline is a must :P
Jan 2020 update ~ I resisted from buying fries last week but I had ice cream :P

Hobbies-for-the-soul targets

6: Needlework >> To keep finding new projects and participating in #needleworkmonday because that is the only way I can use up my yarn and fabric stash! :D
Jan 2020 update ~ I will be writing my first #needleworkmonday project on Monday.

7: Music >> To learn to play the keyboard this year - at the very least, to learn to play 1 song.
Jan 2020 update ~ Pending

8: Art >> To get back to my amateur drawing and colouring this year - I am setting myself a target of 1 artwork per half yearly.
Jan 2020 update ~ Pending

9: Baking >> One of my favourite things to do when I have the mood and time - I set myself 1 baking every half yearly.
Jan 2020 update ~ Pending

What are your goals for this year? Come and join us! :)


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the latest update <<< please click to read.

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