#hasil2020 :: Progress Update - End Feb 2020


We are at the end of Feb 2020, a leap year! Time to review my progress so far with my goals set for this year as part of the #hasil2020 challenge hosted by @davidke20 and @victoria-bella.

Here is a recap of my targets for 2020 from my earlier post and my current progress:

STEEM targets

1: To reach 2000 SP by end of November 2020
End of Jan 2020: my SP was 1,834, including delegated SPs
End of Feb 2020: my SP is 1,977, including delegated SPs.
I powered up some of my earnings from past months and I am reaching my target soon. I will review and increase the target once I reach 2000.

2: Post at least once everyday
I have been posting everyday, some days more than once.
In February 2020, I have posted at least 49 posts.
Most posts do not earn me much but I will keep going as long as my time permits because every bit counts, no matter how small.
However, I do admit that on some days, this can be quite a challenge when tiredness and moodlessness kicks in.

Health-for-well-being targets

3: Workout at minimum 2 times a week, 30 minutes each time >> whether on land or in water.
For 2 weeks in February, I only managed to achieve 1 time of actual workout and most time, it was superseded by gardening and house chores activities as well as life events.
At the same time, I have added a new workout in February (to avoid going to crowded places like the gym) which is Wii Sports! It is really fun!! I usually start with a game of tennis or baseball or bowling or golf and then move to play a few rounds of Boxing for maximum workout, cooling down with a game of golf.

4: Achieve 50K steps every week
My step counts continues to be good so far in the month of Feb, at minimum 50K steps a week.

5: Less junkfood
Okay, I had fries in two of my meals in February. I had chicken chop with fries. I am going with @davidke20's suggestion of cheat days. For now, I will have 1 cheat day a week but 2 cheat days in the month of February is quite good I think :)
I toasted some nuts in a pan, low fire for about 30 minutes, as snacks:
Take a pic1.jpg

Hobbies-for-the-soul targets

6: Needlework
I have been able to work on my needlework projects in the month of February, didn't stop and don't intend to. Thanks to the NeedleWorkMonday community, I keep myself busy every week with some needlework.

7: Music - To learn to play the keyboard this year - at the very least, to learn to play 1 song.
I have identified a song to learn. I have taken out my keyboard from the store room. But I have to admit that I have not been disciplined with this.
@davidke20 suggested to allocate some time on a regular basis. Therefore, for March, I will target to set aside at least 10 minutes a week for this. I am going with 10 minutes first to start with.

8: Art - To get back to my amateur drawing and colouring this year - I am setting myself a target of 1 artwork per half yearly.
This has yet to start and I am not proud of it. On to March! I shall target to set aside at least 10 minutes a week for this too.

9: Baking - I set myself 1 baking every half yearly.
@wakeupkitty has shared some yummylicious cake recipes and I would very much like to try one of her cakes or at the very least, a simple cupcake recipe. Note to self: Must bake in March!

A couple of misses but thanks to this, I am keeping tab of my goals.

There is power in writing things down.

I am grateful for this challenge because for the first time, I am in touch with my goals for the year and am motivated to move myself to work towards my goals. Thank you @davideke20 and @victoria-bella!


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