Round 2 for This Week. Dad’s Turn!

Sometimes I have days that I am only busy with work in the office. And those are the days I call it “relaxing days” in this season…
And there are also weeks that like this week (and last week), there are 2 rounds of hospital to go to.

This time however, it’s dad’s!

Yes, actually 4 months ago, dad kept mentioning that his glasses are not working well with him, and when I took him to get some new glasses, the ophthalmologist there mentioned to me that he had slight cataract and needs to be watch out (not to mention need to set aside some funds in case any surgical replacement for an artificial lens is needed)
Turns out that it wasn’t as simple as it is….

4 months later, with his cholesterol check scheduled, I took the opportunity to squeeze in another appointment in the morning so that we can do it at a go (in 2 different places but within 3 mile radius / approximately 5km radius) within a day and I do not need to keep fighting the jam.

It wasn’t easy for dad to wake up at dawn as this has never been his body clock; but he was faithful to the appointment and despite drowsy eyes, he quietly got himself ready and I treated him coffee and the least spicy item in the food court – roti canai just to keep him fueled for the 1st round of tests.

As usual, the infamous hospital Sungai Buloh is always packed with people, moreover for Ophthalmology specialist clinic because this is one of the best government hospital available with the latest equipment, including cornea transplant (that’s where my mom will be going when the time comes)

Dad had to go endure 2 rounds of tests and he was still so sleepy while waiting for his eyes to be dilated for the 3rd scan by the ophthalmologist herself.

In the end the test results didn’t go too well…

Example from

Above is an example of a comparison of a glaucoma test for a patient; unfortunately, my dad’s right eye has fallen into the right side’s graph category. Due to the fact he was blinking too many times causing the exam less accurate, after the triple check on his dilated pupils the ophthalmologist has ruled in 90% confirmed Glaucoma, where his right eye’s optic nerve looked damaged and his right eye pressure started to increase (compared to 4 months ago)
The consolation of this is that this can be treated / slow-down the process, where medicated eye drops are administered daily during night time. The ophthalmologist has ordered that both eyes need the treatment because the left eye, though less affected, has slight early signs of nerve damage as well.

This is truly testing on our faith journey as we continue to cling on our focus upon our Heavenly Father. Dad has gone through multiple hurdles since 2018: almost died losing almost 3 pints of blood due to ulcer in the stopmach , hurdled through prostate cancer and surgery till he is now cancer free (!) , jumped through another hurdle with hernia surgery , tough recovery from breaking patella after a fall and now, glaucoma.

All I can say, my parents are definitely troopers, and God is not done with their lives yet!

The road ahead is truly still uncertain, but what I do know is one psalm:

Psalm 23

with personal paraphasing

LORD Aba Father, YOU are my [good] Shepherd,
I have all that I need
Aba Father makes me lie down in green pastures,
Aba Father leads me beside still waters,
Aba Father refreshes my soul
Aba Father guides me along the right path of righteousness for HIS name’s sake
Even though I walk through the darkest valley [of shadow and death], I will not fear evil
Because Aba Father is with me,
Aba Father’s [shepherd] rod and staff, they comfort me
Aba Father prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies,
Aba Father anoints my head with oil, my cup overflows.
Surely Aba Father’s goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of my Father, forever.
In Jesus Name, Amen

And the good thing is that his cholesterol test results came out well in progress! After such a long day, dad deserved a proper nice (and healthy) meal, packed with fresh veg and herbs, roasted chicken, and right carbs.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Stair Climbing, Walking

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