A Rollercoaster Week: When Bad Things Give Light to Wisdom, Knowledge and Faith


Anyone could have easily write a horrible, depressing post in regards what me and my family had to endure and press through when hospitals, especially ER experiences.

If I posted this a few days earlier, even as recent as the last 24 hours ago, would have still reacted the same, because 24 hours ago, right when I finally had time for myself, set on the bed, quietly recalled everything that has happened, I balled my eyes out with anguish, flushing out the guilt that I have bottled up inside, refusing to point fingers at anyone and just let God forgive and restore my mistakes.

Many people would have always use circumstances as an excuse for their mishaps, often times they would not take up the responsibility, resolve, and restore from that point off...


Watching my dad lying at the ER (modern) stretcher with a pine of blood hanging above him, transfused into him, with his face pale and hardly any red at his lips after almost 3 hours of driving all the way to my hometown was hard to swallow. I was almost crying when my dad hold my hand tightly saying weakly, "Eh, don't cry, I am ok, I am ok..." I could not take out the guilt for receiving the phone call almost 2 hours late with 20 missed calls just because I needed time for myself, while I dried my eyes, asked for permission to pray for him and declared every internal bleeding to stop in the Name of Jesus.

But he was strong. He put up a fight. He knew if he collapsed further my mom would have been devastated.

And God honoured the prayers and pulled us all (as a family) through the rough waters after his endoscopy at midnight, spotting the ulcer in my dad's stomach was already drying up!

And through this ordeal, we learned something crucial.

  • If a person loses almost / more than 3 pines of blood, he is in critical condition.

    My dad was literally at the ER from 5pm till midnight before he was safe enough to be wheeled to perform endoscopy, otherwise, there is a risk of getting a heart failure or even hypothermia.

  • Before the hospital give you any blood transfusion, you must sign an agreement letter that you are at risk of contracting anything else along the way.

    If a human receives more than 80% of blood transfusion, even though it is of the same blood type, could still has high risk to cause a shock at the heart as the body could suddenly reject the blood and this could lead to death.

  • Even with the same blood type, different blood counts also matter.

    When my dad was already losing close to 3 pines of blood, the hospital still has to try to take a blood extraction in order to get the right blood to be transfused. The problem was because I was not there yet and my brother has diabetes and my mom was of different blood type, we couldn't perform immediate blood transfusion.

Even if I was there, they would still have to test my blood before asking me to donate blood for my dad.

  • Saline drips and blood transfusion is only a temporary measure, if there is still some bleeding inside.

    That was what happened to my dad; after 24 hours he bounced back into activeness, could even sit up and started looking for all the medication that was given to him prior to this hospitalisation from the hospital appointments for his nerve treatment (with my mom), and then dipped into tiredness the very next day when the doctors found fresh traces of blood still in his stool and asked him to sign for colonoscopy procedure.

  • The Aspirin Could Save You From Heart Attack Forward Messages Crap

    Though it is true that aspirin not only cures headaches and could prevent heart attack because it has this blood thinning capabilities, but while skewed messages like this is being forwarded to condition people (especially senior citizens) to accept aspirin as part of the treatment process when doctors prescribe, they never tell you the risk of taking it long term.

Aspirin is an extremely acidic medication. It may assist on blood thinning, but it will also corrode your stomach lining and even your intestines.

Doctors who prescribes this will never take an extra mile to warn you that having coffee with aspirin will double your risk of stomach ulcer or worse, puncture the ulcer, and many doctors will overlook that senior citizens over 70 years of age without a proper run through of their dietary habits would already have a risk of thinned lining stomach.

During this ordeal we realised that even a tiny dosage of aspirin, while taken long term to treat my dad's cholesterol clog at his ankle which caused him to have foot drop syndrome would have corroded his stomach lining if not taken precaution of counter with stomach lining protector medication like Pantoprazol, which also has a side effect that causes indigestion in the long run.

  • H-Pylori test is only needed if during endoscopy there was fresh blood found; and black charcoal stool usually tells you that you had internal bleeding in your stomach.

That was what dad noticed on Saturday. His stool was abnormally black and smelly, and right before he collapsed he told us he purged , only to find when mom and I went home we found the whole toilet bowl was filled with blood.

So if you noticed charcoal black stool and has traces of old blood (unusual smell and not poop smell), and you feel bloated, weak and you start to breath weirdly, go and see doctor immediately.

If you start purging blood, most likely you would have already lost about 2 pines of blood in you.

  • Laxative liquid is important for thorough purging before colonoscopy, and you will have to fast for approximately 17 hours.
    This liquid, according to my dad, tastes like 100 plus, and you will purge your life out for about 8 hours just to clear everything. The best thing to do if you are at the hospital, adult diapers are needed. There are a lot of adult diapers that comes in pant form like TENA (not really advertising but this was recommended) to help absorb, and light food before the fast is important.
  • If you start to fast above 18 hours, you will need at least 2 bags of saline drips + glucose to avoid hypothermia

    This was the part my dad missed. We were already waiting for almost 20 hours (yes, this is the life of General Hospital) and my dad's Saline drips was late.

  • A colonoscopy will require a half sedation upon you so that you will feel less resistance during scoping, and they will pump in a special gas to expand your empty colon so that they can have a good look.

After that, you will feel discomfort but you will fart your heart away from the gas after about 4-6 hours of the procedure.


If your body was extremely dehydrated during this procedure, you could go into slight hypothermia; which happened to my dad about 3 hours after the procedure. We had to monitor his temperature for about 6 hours before he stabilized.

And thank God that his bleeding already stopped and cleared after this commotion, where he no longer needs to stay another day in the hospital.

Because of this ordeal, we found out something of my dad's colon condition

  • Sessile Polyps found at the Ascending Colon

    Usually this type of polyps found at about 8mm size could be benign, as the doctor has debriefed me after the colonoscopy procedure. But hard stool (poop) could easily cause bleeding or even rupture. So staying hydrated with lots of fibre food is advisable.

    This was taken from Health Line to show my brother what it was about.
    There's also another unusual growth about 8mm as well near at the Rectum area and the doctors has made a polyp biopsy there and then.

We are praying right now along with my cell members and leaders and declare it benign as the report will come out in 2 weeks time.

Note: If doctors sees anything unusual, they usually will not perform surgery immediately but will only monitor unless the growth spread has become malignant.

And you wouldn't really want to see how malignant looks like if you don't have the stomach for it.

So there you go, I hope that this ordeal has given you a surface understanding about your stomach, your colon and what happens when an ulcer in your stomach ruptures.

Never take your body for granted

Through this trial, there were many hurts, hysteria, tears and preservation going on the last 6 days, and through it all, Jesus still heals and I am thoroughly grateful God honoured the prayer and stopped the bleeding when it was needed.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
He protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.
Psalm 34:18-20

To be able to be discharged on Thanksgiving, it was nothing short of a miracle.

Especially when you saw the bill ....

And these 2 months God has been showing me time and time again, that He is always there and never leave me nor forsake me

Along with my entire family as well.

Until then

Thank You for Your Time

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