My Actifit Report Card: August 15 2024

Na cestě z dovolené z Maďarska jsme strávili devět hodin i kvůli tomu, že jsme navštívili příbuzné. Skoro celou trasu odřídila dcera (nepustila mě k volantu), což bylo víc vyčerpávající, než kdybych řídil sám. Po šťastném návratu jsem zašel na točené.
Yesterday we arrived back from the trip to Hungary. We spent 9 hours on Voyager, since we also made visits of relatives. Almost whole way was my daughter driving, she didn't let me sit to the steering wheel. It was more exhausting for me to be on the passenger seat, than be the driver.
When we arrived home, I left for a drink to the pub.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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