#TuesdayThoughts - Getting fit... (I mean it this time!)

Welcome to another edition of #TuesdayThoughts my very own excuse to go on a rant about anything I see fit 😂.

This time we're going to talk about my fitness journey! Now pay attention because you have a big role to play in this, it'll all make sense at the end.

Some context

I've always had my fitness struggles... This is nothing new to me as I think I've struggled with weight (and or conditioning) since I was 11 or 12.
I did play sports, still play basketball but I did that while probably not being in the best shape I could be. I'm not saying I was/am obese or anything like that, I was just on the heavy side for most of my adult life. And that's fine, I'm probably in better shape than others of my age (I exercise at least 3 times a week).
But the thing is there has always been a fine line for me, I mean if I take my eye off the ball for a few weeks I gain a few pounds. Which is, if you've ever been in this situation a constant thing to deal with, I mean I can't just let go, EVER... I've accepted this but on the other hand I also realize that my willingness to go all out in terms of getting fit comes in waves.
One simply cannot stay motivated all the time, something I wrote about here: @gvkanten/motivationmonday-vol-5-how-i-deal-with-motivation-or-the-lack-thereof

So my fitness motivation comes in waves and there is often something the sets it off... Once that happens I become a madman, I'm talking the equivalent of going COLD TURKEY and just being laser focused.
Annnnddd this is where I am right now.

The Signs

The signs came a few months ago, maybe a few weeks. First it started with clothes not really fitting right, being able to wear certain paint without a belt. Not anything overly obvious just small signs.
Then came the SIGH whenever I got in the car, or got out of the car. I sounded like an old man hahaha (no offense to old men). Then came the being out of breath on top of the stairs (like seriously dude, you're winded right now?!?).
And finally came my adventure to the scale.... Tumdummdummmm.

That my people was the final drop! I was/am current the heaviest I've ever been and with the lockdown being announced on that same day I flat out REFUSED let it get any worse!!!

The Progress

So given the restrictions, I'm allowed to exercise in my neighborhood early in the morning (4.30-8) and in the afternoon (4.30 - 7) which has basically become my way of staying sane.
I'm more of a night person so I always take the afternoon window (I might do both at some point).
I've literally decided to go running every day! I started with a minimum of 1k per day and built from there! Anything more is welcome.




Over the years though, aside from growing older I'd like to think I'm also wiser... So I know I can probably get to 5k with a gun to my head but I also know that 1 that chances of getting injured are higher if push like that and expect myself to run every day. And the fact that your body just hasn't gotten used to it.

So 1k may sound like a little but my calves tell you a different story! 😂😂😂.
My calves are hard... If you throw a coin at it at this point it'll shoot right back up to hit you in the face 😂.

Also I've added my fitbit goal to this. Believe it or not you get less steps while running so I added a minimum goal of 5000 steps to it. Fair enough right. Anything more is welcome.

This is proof of my 10k steps this week and also the reason why I'm posting this through @actifit.





"Sure, that's great Gyanno but what is my roll in this? " well I'm glad you ask my Hivean friend, and I did say we would get to this at the end so you have every right to ask.
I'm not posting this to give myself props. I mean I am proud of this streak but that's not the point. I'm posting this to be held accountable... by... You!
I'm going to keep going and get in better shape!
Look we've all been there so who knows, you might want to share your journey or just be extra motivation (even if you don't do anything active, the fact that it's public already helps so.... you're helping! 😂).
That is a very important role, and I thank you for it!

Wish me luck!

Also if you wanna share your journey or if you got any tips, feel free to add them to the comments!



Ps. I know healthy eating is part of it and that's also what I've been doing.

P.s. 2! This is post 6/30 of the #HiveBloPoMo challenge, check it out if you'd like!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Running, Walking
185.0 cm
106.4 kg
Body Fat

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