#MotivationMonday vol 5 - How I deal with Motivation... or the lack thereof

Welcome to another edition of #MotivationMonday!
This is where I will make an attempt to motivate the masses so we can do great things and change the world!!!! Or, or….hear (read) me out… here’s where I’ll write my perspective on something in the hopes to create a dialogue… Hahha both work for me 😀

Okay so, about motivation, that mystical force that drives you to suddenly do all the mundane (and or exciting) tasks you planned. Ring a bell? No? How about that force that drives you to stay up till 4 am excitingly working on your big project! Yes? No?
Okay let’s try another angle, how about that force that gets your ass off the couch to go do squats, burpees and running outside??? YES!!!
It’s wonderful isn’t it? It’s truly a great feeling when you have this mystical force with you…
But what happens if it’s not there?
Believe it or not, none of us can stay if 5th (or 6th) gear all the time, so there are bound to be some lows. Let’s see it as the mystical force taking a break to go help someone else.
“But what about me?” yes, what about you? Surely, you haven’t gotten fully dependent on this mystical force…right? Surely, you have a plan for when it’s just not there!

I hope the bell is ringing at this point because I spent some time writing that intro 😂


What I’m saying is that you need to find a way to function without motivation or to simply motivate yourself. I’m going to focus on the latter in this blog…

My life, like that of most us, has consisted on some pretty significant up-and down-swings. And it is with this experience and some major self-reflection that I’ve found a way to keep myself on track. A way to motivate myself or better yet create an environment is which I get motivated. Mystical force come back to me! So what do I do?

1) Don’t panic!

You’re human, and with that you have to realize that these ups and downs are totally part of life. Let go of wanting everything to be perfect and positive all the time and give yourself some space to feel un-motivated. But not too long!

2) Get active!

I noticed that most of my downs or less motivated periods are when I’m not active. I might be in the house too long doing stuff I’m not really enjoying. I could binge Netflix or play videogames for wayyyyy too long. I ask myself these questions as a fun way to check if what I’m doing is worthwile or ultimately negative…
a) Do you actually want to do this right now?
b) Would you be excited to tell your friends what you’re doing now?
These questions are a gentle reminder to myself that time is precious and that I know that I’m going to regret it spending it on something like this if I don’t want to do it, if it doesn’t satisfy some sort of need and if I could spend it on something else that does.
That is to say that it’s totally okay to binge Netflix if that is what you want to do, if that satisfies a need… if you can get excited about it. If not, do something else...


This might be a tricky one with the lockdowns all over the place but I’ve noticed that even that bit of fresh air helps. I can sit in my yard and be happy listening to birds or watching insects ( don’t judge me hahah). If you have the chance, go to the beach, go on hike, check out a few viewpoints, enjoy sunset…. Anything, just get outside! It can do wonders…



You thought I was kidding about these birds and bees in my yard? 😂😂

4) Exercise!

Yeah you knew this was coming!😂
I’m not gonna go all scientific here but basically “exercise is good for you” 😂
Break a sweat, have sex, go for a jog or a walk, challenge yourself!
Or do pushups and abs while watching your favorite series or dribble a basketball (like me). The possibilities are endless and there are really few reasons valid enough to not exercise.


5) Talk to your friends/family

A good conversation helps! Make sure you pick the person that’s uplifting and that gives more energy than they take away (really, check it). Just an outside perspective, a funny story, a listening ear can help your mood. And if you talk to the right people you might end up being extremely motivated after a call.

6) Watch what you eat

Don’t worry, I’m not turning into a nutritionist. Hell I’ve been guilty of ordering a pizza to avoid cooking on so many occasions. But, throughout the years I’ve learned that one, “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry” (Professor Snickers, et al.) and that what you eat can affect your mood more than you think. So try to eat healthy and (actively) cook something!

If I take these 6 steps, I manage to get myself out of any down period and I get back to my motivated self. Of course we’re all different and not all of these are guaranteed to work but my point is that you ACTIVELY do something about your state of mind. That active approach in itself is very powerful.
What would you add to the list? (crosses fingers hoping for engagement)
Let me know below!


Ps. This post 5/30 of the #HiveBloPoMo challenge, check it out when you have the chance.

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