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modern house - #poliac Actifit challenge, day no. 47

While on a midday doggy walk we went exploring mountain biking trails on Golovec.

Yet this story is not about the trails. It's about this monstrosity being built at the western entrance to the trails.

Those among you with a sense for modern architecture, what do you say?

Do you like it? Would you live in it?

Personally, I like open spaces and glass walls. I don't like that it is too complicated and way too big. And it's a one-family house, probably.

This @actifit report is a part of the great #poliac challenge organized by @browery. Read the introductory post to find out more about it.

There are 30 participants, 15 duels each day, 58 rounds. A lot of activity, counting, and reporting.

You can check the scores here.

Good luck, everybody!

Better and better

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Running, Walking