
People just LOVEEE to point fingers; especially my "own kind", they worry too much about others and quite effortlessly shove their noses in other people's businesses.

We're quite gifted and skilled when it comes to making assumptions and talking shit; no verification, no nothing, yet, sometimes we're all quite adamant about the crap words we spew and the guesses we take.


Yes, we should be clear, concise and to the point, but that method only works after we've taken a proper look at it from the other person's point of view. Go for a stroll in someone else's shoes, and only then you will be "worthy" enough to share a limited amount of your thoughts and judgements.

On top of all the "mysteries" that lie beneath; we have blue and calm waters, you look up and you see clear skies and pretty clouds hovering about. You stay there for a while and it all seems fairly consistent, all shiny and smooth, as you're sailing away calmly.

But, you're not there long enough, you're just a guest in some of these parts of the world, my world, or maybe someone else's; you're only here for a few days, you're only allowed to see and hear a masked version and a few hints, of what's really taking place behind closed doors, in the dark.

A measly inkling is all you know, and really care about.

And I say that makes you privileged; for having that luxury of not knowing, not having to know it, but what if you knew? The whole story, every bit, would it change anything? Would it help in changing the situation for the better? I say nothing would change, it wouldn't make a DAMNED difference.

It would be too much for you to fathom, to digest; soon enough you would be on your way, back to your own life and your own tailor-made problems and difficulties.

Because, when the sky turns grey and the wind starts to howl, when the waves are hostile and we start sailing on unfamiliar waters; you my friend, will be the first one to bail out, for very instinctive and selfish reasons.

So, if you've never sailed with the one you point your fingers at, never been in their shoes, never had a few meals on their dinner table, then I'd suggest not to go around pointing that apathetic finger of yours.

"Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding" - Bill Bullard

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