Homemade Martini

A good few years ago I came across a Martini recipe on the internet and saved it right away. You can buy Martini at every grocery shop or liqueur store, but making your own at home seemed very tempting at that time. The best thing about the recipe was that there was not a mix of alcohol and some spices. The recipe contained no alcohol, so it made me curious, if you can get an alcoholic drink using those ingredients. Since then, I repeated the process several times as I like the outcome quite a lot.

Today I decided to share the recipe and the process with you. Who knows, someone may like it and give it a try. I don't know where I copied the recipe from, years ago, so I'm going to quote the recipe, without a source.



  • 300g rice,
  • 1.5 kg sugar,
  • 1 vanilla pod (or 3 packs vanilla sugar),
  • 200g raisins,
  • pinch of cinnamon,
  • 8 - 10 cloves,
  • 3 lemon,
  • 3L water.



The method is very simple, no extra knowledge is needed to do this.

Put the rice in a big jar of 5L. I did not have one now, all my jars are at my dad's, so I used a big pot instead. I put the rice in it, added the raisins, then the sugar. The truth is, I made the first two with vanilla pods, but now the price of real vanilla has sky rocketed, it does not worth it, so this time I used vanilla sugar instead. After that I added the cloves.


For this recipe I bought organic lemons as you need to use the whole lemon and I don't want chemicals in my Martini. So I bought organic lemons and sliced then into 0.5cm slices, then added all to the rest of the ingredients.


Now that I'm writing this post, had to realize I forgot to add the cinnamon, but nothing is lost as I made this on Sunday, there's still time to add it. So you add the cinnamon, then add 3L of water. Mix well and cover with a lid or a table cloth. Stir well every day for a whole week. After that, let it rest for another 6 weeks, without touching it.


When the 6 week period is up, strain it and put it in bottles. I usually leave it for half a year or so, before drinking it, but you can save it for longer as nothing bad happens. Right now I have some from two years ago.


Now you may ask what I'm doing with the homemade martini and why I'm making it. The truth is, the majority of it is always gifted to friends and family members. People like homemade food and drink and so far everyone said it was very god. It is something you can't buy at the grocery store as what you buy from there is a bit different. So this is a unique present.

Sorry, don't have a proper martini glass and what you see on the photo is two years old.

So, who wants a glass of homemade Martini?

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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