More Useful Tools On Hive - Newbie Guide

A few days ago I got a comment from my friend @arcange, on my newbie guide post. He reminded me of a tool we have on Hive that is extremely useful, it can save you from a lot of headaches. Shame on me, I knew about the tool, but forgot to include it in my past newbie guides as there are so many, I can't keep them all in mind, so here I am today to tell you about Hive AutoClaim and one more.


Hive AutoClaim

@hive.autoclaim is a service developed by @arcange and once you learn about it, you will never want to live without it as it makes our life so much easier, trust me.

Hive AutoClaim are services that will automatically do all the dirty work for you and claim any available Hive and Hive-Engine token, 24 hours a day!
It will claim your available Hive rewards (HIVE, HP or HBD) every hour, if any.
It will also perform the same operation for any available Hive-Engine token(s) once per day (Hive-Engine does not allow you to do it more often, whether manually or automatically). source

As you know, we have the first layer tokens (Hive and HBD) and a lot of second layer tokens, or tribe tokens that are distributed all the time. These appear available, (or pending?), but you still have to claim them, in order for them to end up in your wallet. It can be easy when you're a newbie with very little stake, but can become a nightmare, when you have a considerable stake and you're holding a bunch of tribe tokens as well. This is where Hive AuroClame can help a lot as this service is going to do the job for you for free.

We have a detailed guide in five languages, so I'm not going to repeat what it is written there, please pick one from below, depending on what language you are comfortable with:



Vote Weight Multiplier

The other tool I'd like to show you today is the Vote Weight Multiplier, brought to you by the Leofinance dev team through LeoDex.

It’s an exchange interface that connects to the Hive-Engine project on the Hive blockchain.
With LeoDex, you can trade and manage your Hive-based tokens. We’ve added (and continue to add) a wide variety of features based on what our community asks for. Definition of LeoDEX

Please check out (if you haven't yet), read the guide put together by the Leo team and familiarize with it.

Today I'm going to explain what vote weight multiplier is, how it works and why you should use it.

As a newbie, you may not have a considerable stake of any tokens, but this may change later, or if you decide to invest into the platform and chose to invest more in second layer tokens (tribe tokens), then you'll need this tool. It can happen to have a few hundreds or maybe a couple of thousands of Hive and a huge stake of some tribe token. For the sake of this example, let's pick POB. Let's say you want to focus on growing your POB stake by curating.

Let's say you want to vote 10% on a post as you can'tafford more, without draining your voting power. By voting the post, you will be giving Hive and POP to that certain user in the same time, as well as other tribe tokens that are eligible to be distributed for that post. If the user has among their tags palnet and cent for example and you have some of those tokens staked in your wallet, the user you are voting will receive some tokens of the above mentioned too.

However, things are not so simple. If you have little hive and a lot of POB, you would want to give a smaller vote of Hive and a bigger vote of POB. This is where Vote Weight Multiplier comes in. This tool allows you to use less Hive and more tribe tokens with the same vote. So if you want to give only a 10% Hive vote to the user, setting your POB multiplier to 10, it allows you to give a 100% POB vote to the same user, with the same 10% Hive vote.


You can find the feature by going to the REWARDS section and and check the last icon, on the right. Back in the day when I set my multipliers, I know there were some issues and you could only do it by signing in with KeyChain. It may be fixed now, I don't now, but be aware, if your multiplier jumps back to default, this may be the cause.



This is where you can check your tribe token voting power for each token. Don't let them sit on 100% like mine, adjust the multiplier accordingly.

This way you can balance your voting power properly. You're going to need to check the voting power contantly and change the multiplier a few times, till you will be able to figure out how much is enough.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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