10 Snappy Answers To 10 Hive Questions (My Journey)

I was asked to answer these 10 questions, hopefully I answer them in a valuable way.

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1. How long have you been on the Blockchain?

About 8 months, but with all the adventure I've packed into them, it feels like light-years. ;)

2. What was your background in Cryptocurrency when you first came to the blockchain?

Picture a baby in the woods, blindfolded, who's been spun around until they're dizzy.

That was basically me in the world of crypto/hive. I had zero background in cryptocurrency when I joined.

Fortunately I'm a fast-learner. I dove in head first and in my few months here, have ended up writing a blockchain beginner's guide, a cryptocurrency dictionary, a hive mega-guide that is still linked by hivers daily, and a guide to why bitcoin will beat the US dollar.

3. What was your background in writing when you first came to the blockchain?

I've had quite a writing-journey. I've gone from arrogant teenage blogger, to paint-a-happy-face-on-it homeless writer, to paid-for-my-copywriting & narrative consultant, to hive-author.

I've been writing since I was a child in one form or another. I've written many millions of words in my lifetime, many of my early ones were ignored or dismissed, but with lots of practice and study of copywriting, narration, persuasion, and more... I've become quite a decent writer, I'd say. (I've even written a two-part masterclass to effective communication.)

4. How many people did you know when you first came to the Blockchain?

Just one. Namely, @cynshineonline , and in fact, she's the sole reason I joined Hive. I noticed she was having trouble with Hive's complexity, so I joined myself to figure it out, then help her.

5. How did you meet people when you first came to the Blockchain?

My first few posts didn't get much beyond a warm welcome from @traciyork , but my fourth post was "Hive Is Invisible, Just Like Me" and it got a decent chunk of notice, helping me meet many hivers through it, and my subsequent Hive-related posts did the same.

6. Who did you look up to when you first came to the blockchain?

I don't really 'look up' to people, but @nonameslefttouse struck me as the most level-headed and insightful hiver I'd seen, and one who'd succeeded fairly well for himself on the platform, so I paid extra close attention to his offerings. I hadn't seen him around for awhile, but interestingly, he popped up again today to comment on my Hive Promo Video.

7. How would you describe your first three months on the blockchain?

An emotional stand-up roller-coaster, complete with loops. I went from completely unnoticed, to getting a bit of attention, to ruffling a few feathers, to 'hive famous overnight' because of my hive-guide, to collabing with SPK, Peakd, etc., to ruffling even more feathers, and so on. There's a video where I tell more stories from my early months on hive here: Intrigue. Revenge. Hate. Love: My Emotions On Hive

8. Has being a part of the blockchain changed you in any way for the good?

Hive has definitely changed me for the good. I've learned incredible amounts about blockchains, crypto, and web3. I've toughened my skin towards haters. I've connected with loads of people, made a noticeable impact, and helped many more people than I would've reached had I not joined. I deeply appreciate Hive and everyone involved with it.

9. What is your favorite memory from your time on the blockchain?

Probably a tie between last week when everyone celebrated my Hive Promo Video, setting a personal best for rewards on a post, or the time my Hive-Marketing post pissed a bunch of veteran hivers off, but I handled every single one of them in the comments section and they had nothing left to say. (grin)

10. If you could give advice to a new person signing up to Hive what would it be?

Don't worry too much about the ups-and-downs of this place, instead, practice (& master) ways to elevate your vibe, on as many aspects of life as possible.

High vibe = high life.

Whew, there we go, all ten questions answered. Now a few thank-yous.

Thanks to every hiver out there. Thanks to anyone reading, commenting, sharing, or even skimming. And thanks to @brittandjosie for inviting me to participate in this initiative and to @snook for starting it. (I believe.) Wishing you all a great day!

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