Senderismo al Salto más alto del Avila/Hiking to the highest waterfall of the Avila River




Hace dos semanas tuve la dicha de hacer un entrenamiento especial ya que fue tipo paseo, el entrenamiento constaba de hacer una ruta de montaña para seguir fortaleciendo las piernas en diversos terrenos.

En esta oportunidad fuimos a conocer y dejar nuestras huellas a Guatire donde está hay el Parque Nacional La Churca, esta montaña sigue siendo extensión del Avila, lo aclaro porque yo pensaba que el Avila solo estaba en toda Caracas.

Al llegar se escuchan algunos riachuelos, los guias alli nos explicaron que hace años alli habia una hacienda cafetalera y el salto no habia sido descubierto, sino hasta despues que hubo un incendio en toda la zona donde tuvieron que acceder para extinguirlo y descubuieron tal belleza.

El recorrido es de dificultad media-alta ya que son 5 kilometros con un 80 % de subidas, con un tiempo aproximado para subir de 2:30 H y tiempo estimado para bajar de 2:00 Hr, durante la travesía tuvimos que cruzar 6 rios para llegar al salto, caminos estrechos y de cuidado para caminar, el clima de la localidad es caluroso y en la subida sentiamos el calor aparte que la montaña contaba con varios tuneles vegetales los cuales sentiamos que no teniamos mucha ventilación, sin embargo apenas llegabamos a un rio nos refrescabamos.

El grupo de senderistas era de aproximadamente 60 personas con varios guias a cargo y un paramedico, la subida fluyó de buena manera aunque se extendio a 3 horas el ascenso porque habian algunas personas mas entrenadas que otras, mientras la gente tomaba fotos e ingería sus meriendas para yr reponiendo las energías para poder seguir.

El ruido de su imponente caida que tiene alrededor de 34 metros nos avisaba que ya estabamos cerca, nuestro afan por llegar al lugar prometido nos hizo caminar más rapido.

Y allí estaba el Salto Manuel Angel Gonzalez, un salto de agua espectacular, con un pozo a sus pies esperando su elegante caida, es indescriptible lo que nuestros ojos ven y diferente lo que la cámara fotográfica meustra, todos estabamos alli maravillados y fascinados de llevarnos el mejor de los recuerdos, su agua no era tan helada, nos ayudó a reincorporarnos en nuestro cuerpo despues de toda la caminata.

La bajada se torno lenta dado que algunas personas le dolieron las rodillas, otras no tenian la experiencia de hacer bajadas tan inclinadas y pues algunos adelantabamos el camino y haciamos una parada para reagruparnos y seguir.

Hay muchos lugares por conocer, recomiendo este lugar.



Two weeks ago I had the joy of doing a special training since it was a walk type, the training consisted of doing a mountain route to continue strengthening the legs in different terrains.

This time we went to Guatire where there is the National Park La Churca, this mountain is still an extension of the Avila, I clarify because I thought that the Avila was only in all of Caracas.

Upon arrival you hear some streams, the guides there explained to us that years ago there was a coffee plantation there and the fall had not been discovered, until after there was a fire in the whole area where they had to access to extinguish it and discovered such beauty.

The tour is of medium-high difficulty since there are 5 kilometers with 80% of climbs, with an approximate time to climb of 2:30 Hr and estimated time to descend of 2:00 Hr, during the journey we had to cross 6 rivers to reach the jump, narrow roads and care to walk, the climate of the town is hot and on the climb we felt the heat apart that the mountain had several vegetable tunnels which we felt that we did not have much ventilation, however as soon as we reached a river we refreshed ourselves.

The group of hikers was about 60 people with several guides in charge and a paramedic, the climb flowed well although the ascent was extended to 3 hours because there were some people more trained than others, while people took pictures and ingested their snacks to replenish their energy to continue.

The noise of its imposing fall that has about 34 meters warned us that we were already close, our eagerness to reach the promised place made us walk faster.

And there was the Manuel Angel Gonzalez waterfall, a spectacular waterfall, with a well at its feet waiting for its elegant fall, it is indescribable what our eyes see and different what the camera shows, we were all there amazed and fascinated to take the best of memories, its water was not so cold, it helped us to reincorporate in our body after all the walk.

The descent was slow because some people had sore knees, others did not have the experience of making such steep descents and some of us went ahead and made a stop to regroup and continue.

There are many places to visit, I recommend this place.

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